You Can Cope With Work And Study

Christina Morillo

You Can Cope With Work And Study

Many people did this while in school, and many are doing it now. How did you cope with the stress? What tips do you have to share or those who are also planning to do both?

Work and study is sometimes not the best just because of the stress and risks involved. Sometimes you have to receive a query for being late to work or a query for coming late either to work or not coming at all. Sometimes it has to be the aspect of not taking permission from your boss before going to your school. In another way, it may be your personal work or your market.

I don't think I have experienced this before. When I was going to school, I was still under my parents and so saw schooling so convenient.

I just knew that my husband was schooling while working just because of going to the school for another course. He initially read electrical electronics engineering, but later went for mathematics education just because of the field he has gotten involved with. He is now a born teacher.

Back to business.
When he was going to school, he was working. He took permission from his boss and the proprietor of.the school he teaches with. They were so considerate to him as he is one of those who has stayed so long in the school. This gave him upper hand ahead of other teachers. He was told to check his timetable in the institution with the place where he is teaching. He did that and when he saw that there were clashes, he told the community involved to adjust his class. This was how he was shuffling it.

It's not easy schooling and working at the same time as the stress involved is just too much. I have not experienced it, but I felt for those who have experienced it.

There are somethings that are important throughout schooling and working. This is just all about


Planning is the most important and Paramount thing ever while schooling and working. So many people have tried it but failed just because of bad planning. When you set yourself up well, you can be able to carry out your task so well.

My husband truly planned himself so well and so he made it possible while doing the two tasks.


Dedication is another thing we need to have at the back of our mind. When you are dedicated to whatever you are doing, be it multitasking, you will come out victorious. Be the type who is dedicated to his or her job, and also dedicated to your school, then you shall win the race.

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