We must be street smart 😇

Hello to all hive users 🙂❤️👋
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ❣️❣️

As far as the personal experience of my own life is concerned, I can say this much with a guarantee that there is a lot of difference between the world of books and the real life experience. As per my experience, ,hardly 5 to 10 percent of the things we studied in school would have been of some use to us, otherwise the rest would have been left lying. The thing has been absolutely useless because when things do not work for you after studying so much, then those things will be called useless in a way. We have worked hard to understand those things and after facing a lot of difficulties, we can understand many things, and when even after working so hard, those things are not of any use, then you can understand how much feel sad.

Image by Mirko Stödter from Pixabay

In today's time, the existing education system of many countries has become so old that the government there does not take any special interest in updating it and does not pay much attention to the education department, while the maximum attention should be given to the education department .

I think that once the child's basic education is completed, then after that he should be taught further for only one skill in which he/she have intrest and only those subject should be added to his academics, which is related his skill and all other subjects should be removed and along with this students should be taught about other important things which are very important for our life and children should be taught book smart as well as street smart. But there are many other important skills in life which are very important for children to learn. In today's time, the condition is such that the children get so much of studies that they are not able to take out time even for their play, then how will they be able to learn other things. Nor is there any subject in school that teaches all these things.

If I want to achieve anything in life, I want to be street smart. Because here things give us that experience which the world of books cannot do, books can only introduce us to that thing a little bit, but we cannot achieve perfection in those things until we ourselves have real life experience.
If seen, the real world is the world outside the books and if you become street smart then you can do many things.

I have a living example of this thing. There is a mechanic shop at some distance from our house, when we were young, while going to school, we used to see that a small boy used to work in that shop, who would be only 3-4 years older than us, his parents were poor. He could not study much, after that he came to our city from the village and there he got a job as a helper in a mechanic shop. He used to open the shop there at 8:00 in the morning and engage in the work of vehicles and work at 8:00 in the night. Being close to our house, I used to see him in the morning while going to school, then coming back from school and then also while going to tuitions. Then slowly time passed and we also started growing up and went from free school to college. I used to see him working in the same mechanic shop when I used to come home during vacations from college. Then just a few years ago I saw that he has opened his own shop in which he has seen his under 2 helpers also he works himself and his helpers also learn work from him now his earning more than before .

From this experience I saw that the boy had become street smart while working and he had got so much experience about his work and he understood that how to fulfill the basic needs of his life and he worked hard without any book and he mastered his work without studying and going to school. Such examples are rarely seen because it is often seen that most of the children who leave school go towards the wrong path because there is no one to pay attention to them and the difference between right and wrong path at a young age can't be thinked.

Now as I like to be street smart and I have shown smartness many times here. Out of them, I would like to share a moment's experience with you, so this is the fact that just a few months back one of my relative's house was doing repair work. They were using GI steel tins instead of concrete for the roof of their house. The cost of this tens is very low and there is not much burden on the house, but there was a problem in this that when it rains, there was a lot of noise from this tense, so in such a situation, their existing contactor was not able to do the fall sealing. In which their cost was coming around 35,000 to 40,000. When he told me this, you got the idea of ​​thermocol WR ply ceiling in my mind, I came to know this technique when I used to work in a company first, where I was posted on a site and there were lot of posts on that site. Construction work used to happen and many companies used to work there. When I used to be free, I used to interact with the people of the rest of the company and also used to get information about their work, then there they informed me about ply thermocol technology and they told me that there is a sound proof system here. Works like Just from here I came to know about this technique and I advised those people to use this technique, for this I took measurements and asked them to bring wood, plywood and thermocol and mica sheet which would cost around 20,000 and then I made hired a carpenter and a helper there. Then I gave instructions to the carpenter to work and the work was completed in 2 days and the daily wage of the carpenter and helper was ₹ 3000, so the total smack expenses came around ₹ 23,000. The first contractor had told the cost of fall ceiling from 35,000 to 40,000 and by this he saved money around 12,000 to 17,000.
So I thought that here I saved their money with my real life knowledge and did a smart job.

Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

Thanks for reading till the end 😁
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