We are taking too much Pressure of society 🤯😩

Hello to all hive users 🙂❤️
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ❣️❣️

"Pressure" is such a word that today 90% of the people of the world experience this thing, we start experiencing pressure from school time itself. As soon as we are three to four years old, after that we enter the school, then in small classes, we have to get scolded by our parents for learning things, the pressure of that thing remains, the pressure of getting more marks than other children, then gradually when we go towards higher class then we start getting pressure of board exam that if we do not get good marks in our board exam then we will not get good subjects in further class then somehow we pass the board exam and go to upper class and after that we start getting pressure for entrance exams that if we don't get good marks or we don't score well in the entrance exam then we will not get admission in any good course in college and if we don't get admission in good course It is difficult to get a job, then when we get a job, then there we get so much money that a person becomes a pressure cooker and I have experienced these thing myself.

Image by Geralt from Pixabay

Then after job there is pressure for marriage that we should becoming old for marriage and we should get married then as soon as marriage is done after that pressure of children and again same cycle repeats as if it came early from our childhood Then the same things happen with our children too, and along with it, we also experience pressure somehow.

In fact,we do not create this pressure ourselves, this pressure comes on us somewhere through the society, which we can understand with the help of an example. Suppose we live in a society there were many children of same age are there, if we talk about small children, then you will find many such children in every society, who study in the same class, play together or maybe live together. There is a different capability of every child, some child scores very good in the exam, some scores well and some scores very less.The child who got good Marks gets good gifts, gets compliments from people and also gets respect in the society and the child who has got less marks, then somewhere the parents feel that if our child had got good marks, then today he would also get all this .

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Due to this, the pressure of the society starts building on us and somewhere due to this, our parents also keep putting pressure on us. Here was just an example which I explained to you through school children so that you can understand this thing in a better way.

If seen, there is definitely some kind of pressure on every generation, now our lifestyle has become such that no work is done without a pressure, if there is no pressure in any work, then we do not take it seriously. It has become a habit that we have to work under pressure which is very wrong because working under pressure harms your mental health a lot. May have to suffer later.

If I talk about myself, then i have many types of pressure on me, one is the pressure of getting a good job and the other is the pressure that my age of marriage is going and there is no mention of marriage yet. When I was a little young, at that time also I had pressure according to my age, at that time my condition became very bad when I used to face many kind of pressure, I was becomd very scared, I used to be very nervous, but slowly when I kept looking at the society and saw things then i have learned many things from my past experiences।

Now I came to a conclusion that the society's work is to just keep talking and nothing else.If today they is speaking about you, then tomorrow he will speak about someone else and the day after tomorrow he will definitely speak about someone else by taking hold of one or the other topic and will comment something or the other.
we have to bear whatever pressure is there, so here it depends on us how we react to the pressure, now I just do one thing No matter what things happen in my life or whatever work I am doing, I give my best in that work, whatever the result may be, I don't care about it, I am happy in my heart that I have given my best, the rest is the result. And now any kind of pressure comes in my life, so I just focus on the work that I have to do, I accept whatever is result and move forward.

Thanks for reading my post till the end 🙂💗
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