Was it the fault of the police or ours 🤔

Hello to all hive users 🙂❤️👋
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ❣️❣️

There are many types of army made for the security of our country, each type of army has its own different work. Mainly, army and police are such forces which are seen in every country, the work of the police is to protect the internal security of the country, to maintain the lion order properly in the internal arrangements of the country, on the other hand, the work of the army of the country is It is to protect the country heavily, that is, to give protection to the country from outside so that if there is any attack from outside in our country, then we can get protection in it. We must have seen that often when there is a big leader, the police make arrangements for his security as well, similarly you must have seen that if a big celebrity comes then the responsibility of his security is also on the police and the police .There are many more works. If there are cases like theft, robbery, kidnapping, murder, then the police have to do a thorough investigation in that too and the responsibility of this is also on the police. Along with this, there are many such things which have to be arranged by the police department, so if seen, there is a lot of work pressure on the police department.

Many times we also see that some people have a lot of trouble with the work of the police and they fight with the police and sometimes it also happens that people take the law into their own hands for whatever reason. The police may have to beat up the general public. Many times we can also see in the news that the police department is beating and lathi-charging the public. Now, in such a condition, we cannot call someone right and someone wrong, because it is very difficult to know whose fault it is.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

So this is about the time when we used to do our college and one day all our friends made a plan here to go for a walk and there was a waterfall just a short distance from our college and we all wanted to go there for a long time. Had a desire but due to the busy schedule of the college, we were not able to go.
Then one day our college had a holiday for a few days, so we made a plan to go there and on the second day all our friends got ready to go there and in the morning we had breakfast from our room at around 10:00 am. Walked towards that waterfall ,that place was not for us at all and we had no experience to go there before and no one had any idea to go there, so we caught the bus and then a little before that waterfall we got down after that we put the location of that waterfall on maps and we started going towards that waterfall through the jungles, we had no idea that there was a slipper for that waterfall where people used to go by cutting tickets, then after that this happened at some distance, we found some policemen standing, then they started asking us for tickets, we had no idea about the tickets, because this ticket rule was introduced here only a few months ago and before that people used to walk through the forest. We used to go there and as it was our first experience here, we also had no idea about the ticket, then we told them that we did not have any idea about the ticket, we went through the jungle because we did not know about this. So those policemen started arguing with us, started talking to us very angrily and started behaving rudely with us. Here I would like to say one thing that there are many police personnel who talk very rudely to this public in a very angry manner, due to which the public is afraid to trust the police and it has been seen many time that behavior of some policemen is very bad towards the public, due to which the people who should feel safe seeing the policemen, the same people feel scared seeing the policemen, but not every policeman is like this, some policemen are very honest and well behaved. Today every department is running because of the policemen.

So now I come back to the point that the police started behaving rudely with us, we were about 15 people and two of our friends started getting very angry and started arguing with the police then the police They started gathering their friends and told us that they will take your photo and put it in the press, they will complain to your family members, they will get you justicut by complaining in your college, and the policemen started giving them many such threats, then did they tell us to check our bags. When it came to getting the bags checked, many friends objected to it because there was no such rule to get the bags checked, then the friends who had argued with the police earlier, they got more angry and said that we will not get the bags checked, then after that those 2 policemen called all the policemen and about 5 to 6 more policemen came there and they had a stick in their hands, so some of us got a little nervous. Because we didn't know what could happen to us in the deserted forest, then the policemen started arguing with us and instigating us more because they need some reason or the other, because of which there are streams on the people but all our friends were under control till now, we did not do any such act, because of this the policemen could impose a section on us, then after that our two friends, about whom I told you, they were angry.

The argument of both the friends again started with the policemen, now there were more policemen, so they started showing their sticks, then after that both the friends got more angry and started telling the policemen that you kill us. If you can't, then a policeman got angry and hit him with a stick, now all the friends are very angry because such policemen have no right to hit someone with a stick, so everyone was angry, but couldn't vent out his anger because if he did so then sections of the law would have been imposed on us, but after that all friends started telling the policemen that this is absolutely wrong, you can't do this, you have the right to kill Who gave it, so the policemen came forward to beat us with batons and today one of our friends was beaten with batons, then one of our friend's father had some identity in the police, so he called his father, then his father sent a senior officer there and then the matter was settled. Then after that all of us paid the ticket fare and then we went inside the waterfall, but the way there was an argument with the police or whatever happened, after that all our friends were very sad. Once we were thinking of going back, but then we thought that when we have to pay for the ticket, we come only after seeing the waterfall.

From this thing, I take out the conclusion here that whenever the government takes any such decision in which fare is imposed on any thing or ticket is charged for anything, then the government should first put a notice on the things going to that place. A notice board should be put up that rent has now been imposed at this place and this notice should also be put on all the transport resources that take to that place so that the public can come to know that rent has been imposed at those places because earlier people used to go to that place only through the forests and as the rule was implemented here very recently, very few people were familiar with this thing and the government published about the rule here and about the ticket in the newspaper itself. If done, then very few sections would know that the rent has been made for this thing.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙂🙏❤️
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