To-do list for being Invisible for a day

Hello to all hive users 🙂❤️👋
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ❣️❣️

"If I become invisible for 1 day" , when we were small we often used to say these lines because many times we used to see in movies, magazines, comics or cartoons that some actors used to play such a role in which they Used to defeat the enemies by being the president. Whenever we used to watch such a show on television, after that things used to go on in our mind and then we also used to think that if we had such a power that would make us invisible, then we would do that. Will do and used to think many things. So if I also become invisible for 1 day then there are some things that I would like to do. The first thing I will do is that all the corrupt officers or leaders in our country, I will install hidden cameras in their offices and meeting rooms, and the streaming of this camera will be directly with the media. If you are talking about ongoing corruption, then we should get the proof of it and the media should show that thing in front of the public. Even though hut tricks will work for some time but it will help us to know that how many just officers and leaders are in our system and further strict action will be taken against them.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

After that, the second thing I would have done was that in our country Navy is important and important government schemes for the public, I would have passed the file of the schemes ahead and along with this the news of the passing of those schemes would also have been conveyed to the public. I do this thing because today there are many such government projects in our country which are stuck and it is very important to pass them, if the projects are passed here then it is good for the public. It is often seen that in government departments Many such files remain buried, from which the public can get some benefit, but these files do not move forward, due to which many works of the public remain pending. Precious time will also be wasted.

After that the next thing I will do is to go to one of the most luxurious hotels and eat the most delicious dishes there. I know this is a very strange desire but I am very fond of eating new dishes but due to lack of money I can't fulfill this hobby, but if I become invisible, I don't have to pay the bills and I can eat whatever I want.

Then the last thing I will do is to go to the house of my friend who had borrowed some money from me a year ago but has not returned it yet. I will go to his house and collect my money.

Thanks for reading till the end 😁
Comment down any suggestions or feedback ❣️❤️

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