Sugar Consumption in Controlled Manner

Hello to all hive users🤗❤️🙏
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🙂

Sugar is the thing that is included in our daily food items. There is hardly any person who eats his daily diet without sugar. Sugar is included in some form or the other in our daily food dishes. Be it morning coffee or tea or biscuits and apart from this there are many things which contain sugar. If we talk about small children, you must have seen that they like to eat sweets a lot and if we look at the things of small children, they find the most sugar in the items. When we were small, we were also very fond of eating sweet things because you have noticed that after eating sweet things, one gets addicted to it and then feels like eating it again and again. You must have seen that small children do not eat as much food as they eat sweet things. I still remember that in childhood many times I used to feel like eating something or felt a little hungry, so if I did not find anything to eat in the kitchen, I used to eat raw sugar. Many times I used to mix Bournvita and sugar and eat it and I used to get a different feeling by eating this combination. When we grew up a little and we came to know that sugar causes many diseases and we should eat less sugar because there are many disadvantages of eating it, I was quite surprised. I could not even imagine that we can live without sugar. To tell you the truth, the daily routine is incomplete without sugar.

Image by günter from Pixabay

Today I see that many people have reduced their sugar consumption because now they have started realizing that sugar causes many types of diseases, so they do not eat sugar at all. The most dangerous disease caused by sugar is diabetes. If a person gets diabetes once, then this disease remains with him for life and it keeps increasing according to the sugar consumption. We have to maintain diabetes at a level because reducing diabetes is also not good. I have seen many people around me who are suffering from diabetes and the sweetness in their life has almost vanished because I see that they have to eat very simple food and people there cannot even eat any fruits, they can eat only a few fruits and that too is very difficult to get. You people must be thinking how difficult it is for a diabetes patient to survive.

If I talk about myself then I have reduced my sugar consumption a lot as compared to before because earlier I used to drink a lot of cold drinks and also eat a lot of outside food but now I have not stopped eating sugar completely but have reduced it to a great extent and I feel that if we eat sugar in a controlled manner and also exercise then the amount of sugar in our body will remain balanced. I believe that sugar should be reduced completely but there are some things which we consume in our daily routine and that thing tastes absolutely delicious without sugar then in such a case we can reduce the quantity of sugar in it instead of cutting it out completely. For example if you put two spoons of sugar in your coffee in the morning then put only half a spoon of sugar.

The second thing you can do here is to stop the consumption of cold drinks available outside and instead of those cold drinks, you can make natural drinks like lemonade or there are many other kinds of natural drinks that work better than cold drinks and also keep our body cool.

Apart from this, if you consume sugar, you can also give more time to workout so that the sugar will dissolve completely in your body and its quantity will remain balanced in your body. Workout here does not mean that you have to go to the gym, you can also go jogging or do any work that makes you sweat, even if there is some work at home or anywhere, but you should not sit idle and if you workout, the quantity of sugar in your body will not increase.

Apart from this, today there are many alternatives of sugar available in the market like jaggery or many other things which have sweetness but are not harmful like sugar, so you can consume such products as well. If you eat anything in a controlled way then it will not be harmful to you. If you consume even a good thing and consume it in large quantity then it can be harmful for you, hence if consumed properly and in right quantity then it is never harmful.

Thanks for reading till the end🙏
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