Some Minor Flaws In Panda-X Official Website🐼

Hello to all hive users
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🙂

Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay

Panda-X recently launched its official website. Now as every website is made and any new project is made, then there are some shortcomings in it because no person can be hundred percent perfect. If we talk about this type of software products, then there are many shortcomings in them and this is just the beginning but I would like to say one thing that website is very good and as far as I am concerned, I found a very good interface in it and the biggest thing is that the interface of this website is very user friendly and very simple. I have seen many such good websites which are for very small work but the developer / designer makes the website so complex that we do not find anything anywhere. According to me, the website should be such that any person can easily visit on it and complete their required work according to his need. The UI of this website is very clean, whatever you need is right in front of you, you do not need to search inside anything.

Search Engine Optimization Needed

In today's time, you all must know the importance of Google, everyone uses Google to search for anything. When I heard about the Panda-X website, I first searched it on Google. I searched Google with the name Panda-x and many more about four to five times at that time, but I did not find any website there which is related to Panda-x tokens. After that I search for Panda-x in other search engines but I am not getting the right website there either. Then after that I visited that website with the help of someone's post. I thought here that there is a much need for search engine optimization in this because even though we are promoting this token so much and no matter how many people are watching it and taking information about Panda but there is one thing that is here that no one would be able to remember the name of the website and probably very few people would have remembered the total URL of this website.

You must have seen that if you search for a website, then you use simple Google for it and Google gives you the search results related to it, but I felt upset because the search results related to Panda were not being found. According to me, this is important because this token has been launched recently and this is the time to promote it and make people aware about it and its benefits so that people can invest in it. But if people want to invest in it and are not able to do it properly, then I think that some investors may back out here because this website is not properly optimized on Google yet. Therefore, I think that work should be done on its search engine optimization and it should be made so good that people get the link of this website as soon as they search Panda on Google.

Faster Login Process While Buying Tokens

The second suggestion I would like to give here is that when we click on the option to buy tokens on the official website of Panda One, another website opens here and that website first asks for our username but after entering the name, the address shown here is that Hive Keychain not installed.

Now the problem in this is that if a person wants to get a token, first of all he will have to install the extension in his browser, then after that he will have to fill his details in the extension and only then will he be able to complete the login process. This will take a long time because nowadays people have very little patience and according to me the login process in this should be very fast, like if we login here through Hive signer, then it will be very fast there because if we ever want to login in Peakd or Ecency, then we can also login directly from Hive signer, apart from this, if we do any transaction, then also we can login directly from Hive signer. According to me, this thing is necessary to make the process of buying tokens a bit faster.

According to me, if these two things are improved, then the number of investors buying tokens can increase and it can also be promoted among many new people. Apart from this, I did not find any other shortcomings in it, as the updates keep coming to this website, other minor shortcomings will also be removed.
If we look at the rest, as this is the beginning of this website, it is quite perfect in that respect and apart from this I don’t think there is a need to change anything else because everything else is available in it which is fulfilling the needs of its users.

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