My Weak Point

Hello to all hive users🤗❤️🙏
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life

If we talk about a common man, he has some strengths and some weaknesses too. When a child goes to school and gradually starts growing up, he starts realizing his strengths and at the same time he also starts realizing what his weak points are. Some children are so smart that they find out their weak points and try to overcome them and then they become so smart that they overcome their weaknesses and come out on top. If we see, no person in society is 100% perfect, if someone has some good qualities then there will definitely be some bad qualities too because the balance is maintained. There are very few people who are hundred percent perfect and achieve mastery in everything. In the school where I studied, some children were good in studies but the same children were not able to perform well in sports and some children performed well in sports but could not perform well in studies, so this thing was common in most of the children. I had seen that there were some children who were average, meaning such children who were good in studies as well as perform well in sports but we will not call such children perfect because they were not able to achieve mastery in both.

Image by Franz Bachinger from Pixabay

If I tell my weak point, it is that if I go to learn something new, it takes me a lot of time to catch hold of that thing. I want to learn anything in a very deep way and perhaps this is the reason why it takes me time to understand things. To learn anything, I first go towards its basic concept and I have this habit since childhood, so due to this habit, even today it takes me some time to catch hold of new things. For example, if I am going to learn a new skill, then for that, first of all I have to teach him all the basic concepts related to school, then after that I have to read a lot about scale so that I get to know the applications of that school and along with that I have to see the future scope of it, only then I can learn that skill further. Many times I have seen that there are some people who catch anything very easily, I don't understand how they do it here but I have a little difficulty in catching new things and this is the reason that if I am studying something special with a group then the other people in the group go far ahead and it takes me time to clear the concept. I don't know why it is so but I have a little difficulty in studying further without clearing the basic concept.

I know the importance of basic concepts and perhaps this is the reason why I understand everything only after learning it conceptually because I feel that if we cannot understand the basic concepts of that thing, then we will not be able to handle that thing properly in future. For example, if a person is learning an advanced programming language and if he does not know the basic programming language, then he cannot learn the advanced programming language. It is possible that he learns a little bit in the beginning, but after a while, that thing will start bouncing above his head and no one can learn the advanced programming language properly. In today's date, any driving language is related to the basic programming language and those who know the fundamentals of the basic programming language, they move forward and become advanced programming languages.

I consider the thing that I read after completing this concept as a weak point because I feel that this thing happens to 2 out of 10 people, who are not able to catch any thing immediately, because if the other 8 people are able to catch that thing easily, then there is some problem somewhere. This thing has to be taken care of from childhood because if any child feels that he is having difficulty in catching something, then he should take out time for this thing and carefully notice those things due to which he is not able to catch the things immediately.

As far as the measures to control this thing are concerned, to be honest, I do not do anything that makes it easier for me to catch things, but I try to listen to things carefully and whoever is telling me something new, I listen to that thing with proper concentration and focus so that that thing stays in my mind.
I do this because sometimes I feel that all this happens due to lack of concentration, but sometimes I don't feel so because many times I am foolish and even after concentration I am not able to catch the thing properly.

Thanks for reading my post till the end. 🙏
If you have any suggestion or feedback then you can comment below.

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