My resolution related to hive blockchain this year

Hello to all hive users ♥️😊🙏
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life 🙂

Best wishes for the New Year to all of you. I hope that this year will be better than the previous years and that you will progress a lot.

With this, the new year has started again, as like every year, this year too many people have New Year resolutions and people prepare these resolutions in the last month of the previous year so that next year there will be all these things. Can achieve. In fact, the people who work on their solutions on New Year's Day are very dedicated and know how to manage all these things very well. There are many people who make New Year resolutions every year and work on them, but then if some distractions come in their life, then they forget all these things and come back to their old life. There are many people who, despite facing destruction, stick to their resolutions and achieve their goals at the end of the year.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In December 2023, it has been 1 year since I used Hi and I am really enjoying experiencing it and if I have your support, I will be able to grow better this year. Last year too, I had made a resolution that I will do something good in the year 2023 and will try to go as much as possible, but I do not get much time, the reason is that my current job is full of stress and pressure. I am very busy due to which I am always short of time and after the job, there is a lot of work to be done at home too, due to which it is very difficult to find time.I feel like exploring as many communities as possible and also prepare posts on them, but due to lack of time, I do not explore much and am able to share my posts only in a few communities.

This year, my resolution regarding blockchain is that I will explore at least five such communities and will also prepare continuous posts on them. I will give more priority to the communities of my field of interest like finance, photography, traveling, technology and try to post more on these communities.

To fulfill this resolution, I have thought that I will work on the weekend and for whatever post I am going to post in the community in the coming week, I will think about the topic and study a little about it on the weekend itself so that the On the day I have to post, I should not have much trouble in preparing the content and it should take minimum time because many times it happens that the topic is in your mind but it requires time which I always have. Due to which I know how to prepare a good post and then later I have to discard it, which is very difficult for me because I feel regretful that I could not complete the task.

I will try as much as possible to add some more time in my daily life so that I can spend more time on Hive because if you look at it, I hardly have around 1 hour of time so that I can spend more time on blockchain. But I will try to sleep a little late and wake up a little early in the morning.

In the end, I would just like to say that to fulfill all these resolutions, I need your support because unless I have the support of all your members, I cannot form the group further. I also completely support you all. I will support and I request you all to support me and help me move forward.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙏
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