My oldest relative or friend šŸ˜Š

Hello to all hive users šŸ™‚ā¤ļøšŸ‘‹
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ā£ļøā£ļø

We see many people around us, some are younger than us, some are equal to us, some are much older than us. And then we start liking the words of the person with whom our communication is special and then we start talking a lot with each other and just like that the person comes very close to us. If a person becomes so happy with us, then whether that person is our relative or not, but a special kind of relationship is formed with him and then there is a lot of bonding between the two. However, if I tell on the basis of my life, then often people who are younger than us, we have a party for some time, or they get new friends, because of which our relationship with them does not become anything special, either Those people change according to the changing situation in their life and they do not get much time. On the other hand, if we talk about those people who are of our own age, then you must have experienced yourself that when you are in school etc. or study together, then your friendship is very close, but as- As time passes and life takes turns, friends keep on decreasing and then again and again it happens that very few friends of our age are with us. I have experienced this thing myself, I am telling you on the same basis.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Now we see many people around us, some are younger than us, some are equal to us, some are much older than us. And then we start liking the words of the person with whom our communication is special and then we start talking a lot with each other and just like that the person comes very close to us. If a person becomes so happy with us, then whether that person is our relative or not, but a special kind of relationship is formed with him and then there is a lot of bonding between the two. However, if I tell on the basis of my life, then often people who are younger than us, we have a party for some time, or they get new friends, because of which our relationship with them does not become anything special, either Those people change according to the changing situation in their life and they do not get much time. On the other hand, if we talk about those people who are of our own age, then you must have experienced yourself that when you are in school etc. or study together, then your friendship is very close, but as time passes and life takes turns, friends circle keep on decreasing and then again and again it happens that very few friends of our age are with us. I have experienced this thing myself, I am telling you on the same basis. Then after that come those people who are much older than us and those people are in that stage of life where they have experienced almost all the essential things which are very important for life.

These are the people who have complete knowledge of life and if such people become friends with us, then we get many such lessons in life which are very important for life. Elder people tell us about all the things that will happen to us sooner or later and these people also inform us about the things that will happen in future in our lives and what kind of precautions should be taken in them. He also gives very brief guidance. I understand that if an elder person is a very close friend in your life, then you should call yourself lucky because there he guides you in every step of life and also informs you about every step. It is a matter of great fortune to meet you.

But let me tell you about one such elder friend of mine. Actually there the elder person is my relative and he is my aunt's husband, we call him uncle. He must be almost 3 times my age. If I tell you a little bit about him, he has worked for the army by profession and retired many years ago. I remember I first met him during class VII. Before that, his visits to our house were very less because he used to live far away, due to which he used to come only once in half a year, but after he built his house, he used to visit many times. Although we did not talk much about studies, but we used to talk a lot about other important things in life and he used to tell me a lot of guidance about that. He tells me things that we should live smartly in life because he thinks that I am very decent so someone can easily take advantage of me, so there he used to give me complete guidance that you have to be a little clever, you have to do this. You have to talk like this, you have to take these precautions, many such things are told to me there.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

When I got a new job, at that time also he gave me a lot of guidance that how I have to deal with people, how I have to talk to my senior and how I have to do the work, he knows me. It is also told that this is the age to work, if in this age you will work with a lot of manna, you will work hard, then your future life will be comfortable and never do any wrong thing in life, no matter how much poverty happens. Why not choose any path which can be harmful for us and our family. He tells me that it is very important to be self-dependent in life, no matter how big or small, one should try to do it himself and it is very important to have self-reliance within oneself. I like things here very much that in this regard also I get so much guidance and I keep getting a support.

Although his visits to our place are less frequent, but whenever he comes, or whenever we talk on the mobile phone, he keeps telling us something or the other and I listen to his words very carefully because he has a lot of experience today. There is some logic in each and every one of his words, so I like to go to the bottom of his words after listening to him and I always follow his words and indeed his words are very informative.

Thanks for reading till the end šŸ™‚ā¤ļøšŸ™‚
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