My Moral Code Of Being Honest

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I have been hearing since childhood that honesty is the best policy and I also feel so because I understand that the person who is honest is at the top in this world because in today's time there are some people who take advantage of others by cheating or lying and get their work done, but if you walk with honesty, if you walk on the path of truth, then it is possible that you may face difficulties but there is a satisfaction in your mind that whatever I am getting here, I am getting it by walking on the path of truth. Since childhood, my family members taught me the lesson of truth and walking on the path of honesty and in the school where I studied, we were also taught the same, so this thing was always in my mind. My grandmother always told me that even if you have to eat less roti but you should always walk on the path of honesty, by cheating someone and filling your pockets you may live a rich life but you will definitely get the fruits of your deeds and the money earned by cheating never works for any person's good. People who are honest may live a simple life but they have a self-satisfaction that they are still surviving in such a bad environment and this is the thing that boosts their confidence due to which they always follow their moral code of honesty.

I had many such opportunities in my life where I could have earned a lot of money by keeping my honesty in the village and could have lived like a rich person but I never followed it and walked on the path of honesty. You may think that whatever you need in life, someone is going to give you that thing but to do all this you have to unfollow your moral code and if others get their work done from you by cheating or deceit, then this thing is not right at all. I have seen before and I see now that people cheat others in some way to get their small work done and they call this thing their cleverness and do not get tired of praising themselves that I am so smart that I got my work done in this way. I do not call this thing smartness because I think that if you are taking advantage of the other person without his knowledge then it would be the most wrong thing here. I have seen many people who first of all give a lot of bribe to others to get their work done and when the work is done, they do not give anything to that person and on the contrary they misbehave with that person. I do not understand this thing, the misbehavior or the way these people cheat or deceive, do these people not have even a little understanding that how bad the consequences of this thing can be and have their parents or teachers not taught them good moral codes. I do not understand at all why people do this.

I believe that you should follow some good moral codes in your life because it gives a different pleasure to living life and the biggest thing is that the peace and satisfaction that you get by following these things cannot be obtained by earning lakhs of rupees by cheating. We people should also follow this thing ourselves and our coming generation should also be given knowledge of this thing because if we keep on motivating them with various moral quotes from time to time and keep on giving them some knowledge about that thing, then that thing will be very useful in their life and due to which they will be called a good person in life. I see that nowadays many people give knowledge to their children in such a way that the world is very bad, you have to live very carefully and you have to be very smart to live in today's time. Well, I do agree that you have to live with caution and cleverness in today's time, but caution and cleverness here does not mean that you people take advantage of another person and get your work done by cheating or fraud with him. Caution and intelligence mean that no one can take advantage of you and you can protect yourself and your family in trouble.

I had heard somewhere that if you tell one truth, a thousand lies vanish. So if you walk on the path of honesty, you don't need to think or remember anything because in this you will appear as your real self, so you don't need to live a dual personality. I have seen that people who lie or live a deceitful life have to remember many things and they have to be very careful about how to talk to whom, but a person who lives honestly has no problem in taking tension about this thing because he will show only what is there in reality.

Thanks for reading till the endπŸ™
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