My living area is between the Village & city🙂

Hello to all hive users 🙂❤️🙂
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ❣️❣️❣️

City and village are two such names with which you will be very familiar, although there are people living in both the city and the village, but if we talk about the living conditions of both, then there is a lot of difference between the people of this city and the village.

Image by Larisa-K from Pixabay

However, if I tell you about my living area, then I come under the mountainous region and what is the most important thing about living under the mountainous region is that we live here in both rural and urban living.
My house is at some distance from the city, although our city is a small city, the population there is also very less, but now it is also developing slowly, new people are coming here and settling in the city. The population of is increasing. We also have a house in our village where my grandfather used to live, but about 50 years ago he left the village and came to the city in search of a job. However, when my grandfather came in search of a job, only he used to live in the city, the rest of the family did live in the village.
Our area is only 4 kilometers away from the main city and the village boundary starts at a distance of about 500 meters from our area, so in such a situation I get to see both village life and city life. It is an amazing experience in itself.

Our house is on some height, so there is a small village in front of our house, I get to see the life there daily.
These peoples wake up early in the morning and after that they take bath near fresh water source. From the source they also bring water for drinking and cooking, after that they clean their animals and if needed, they also bath them.Then they people do all the services of animals, tie them outside in the sun or leave them in their fields to graze grass. After that those people make arrangements for their food
In the village I see that the people there eat only two times in the morning they do not take breakfast there they eat around 11:00 to 12:00 then after that these people go to their fields, then after that during the day time they prepare and drink tea in the fields and then after coming from the fields in the evening, after serving the animals, they go to sleep early in the night.

Image by Stanly8853 from Pixabay

This is the life of village, now if we talk about the city, the living conditions of the people of the city are quite different, they wake up early in the morning, then after that they take bath and start making preparation for their breakfast and after that they eat breakfast. After doing that, they go to their respective work, then stay there for the whole day, have lunch there in the afternoon and come home late in the evening, then go to sleep after preparing dinner. And this routine continues throughout the week.

Both these things which I told you, I experience around my house and as far as I believe, I like village life more because the biggest thing in village life is that there you have time to take care of your health as well. You have to carry it because if we look at the daily routine of the village, then you keep on working whole day , which is a good exercising and at the same time you stay connected with nature, which is very important. Along with this, I have also seen that the food that the people of the village eat is very pure and full of nutritious elements, due to which their body gets a lot of benefit from it, that is why I like the life of the village, although I have never experienced to live village life myself because such an environment has never come in my life, but when I see it, I feel very happy. On the other hand, there is a lot of rush in the life of the city and you do not even get time for your health, you have to eat what you are getting and mostly I see that the people of the city consume a lot of fast food which is also very harmful for health after one time.

Even if I ever get a chance to change this area, I would not like to change it because I believe that natural resources should never be tampered with, already not so much good is happening all over the world that somewhere it is happening along with the tampering of natural resources. I like natural life only because if we stay connected with nature then only nature will support us and will not take us away from itself. Epidemics are spreading, new diseases are coming, there is a lot of development somewhere, all these things are happening because of the race to get ahead of each other. If I get a chance, I would like to make our area more completely natural. I would like to plant more and more trees here and help people to do agriculture on the fields that have been built so that we all can live with nature stay Connected with nature Because if you see today, a lot of development has happened all over the world, but now if we humans talk about our lives, then the life span of a human being is decreasing, humans started falling sick at a very young age and neither the food is pure nor the air in the word because of which man is earning money but there is no peace in people's life.So connectivity with nature is most important thing, which can be only done by living village life.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙂❤️🙂
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