My Everyday Battle for Happiness🙂

Hello to all hive users ❤️🙏😊
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life 🙂

Happiness and sorrow are like the seasons in human life which keep changing one after the other. Sometimes they are useful in our life and sometimes happiness also comes in our life. Just as the seasons change, similarly these things keep changing in our life. I feel that there is some rule of nature in which both things are available to human beings because if we keep getting only happiness throughout our life then we will not be able to know the importance of happiness. They often come in our life so that we can know the importance of happiness. However, if seen, no person in this world likes sorrow at all. Every person wants that there should be happiness in his life and it should remain forever but this is not possible at all. We have happiness and sorrow in our life only then this life remains balanced.

Now if we connect happiness and sorrow to each other, then I have seen many people whose thinking is such that they remain neutral in every situation. What I mean to say is that there are some people who are not very serious in sorrow and if they get happiness in life, then they are not very happy, that is, those people have a completely neutral behavior. Although such people will be found very rarely, but the life of such people moves like a stable graph in which the fluctuations are very less and then they become so much ahead of this thing that they get used to behaving neutrally even in the worst conditions. If seen, it all depends on the thinking of the person. Many times I see that there are some people who get so immersed in their sorrow that they are not able to enjoy the happy moments in their life properly. On the other hand, there are many people who get rid of their mental stress very quickly and enjoy their happy moments very well. There is a difference in the thinking of these two types of people.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

If we see, no person in this world is completely happy and there is no person who is completely sad. If there is sadness in someone's life, then there is definitely something that brings happiness to them. It is not that a person always gets sadness. It all depends on the outcome of the person that how he handles the situation of sadness.

Often, when people are sad, they want to be left alone and they also distance themselves from their friends and other people who know them. I think that if we do this in times of grief, it will be a big mistake because when we are sad, we need a lot of support at that time and if we isolate ourselves at such a time, it is possible that we may go into depression because we need a lot of people's company and we also tend to overthink a lot and if we keep doing this continuously, then it will become a habit and we will not be able to tackle the sad results of our life properly.
Be it sadness or happiness, we should share everything with our close friends and people in both situations because this not only gives us support but also some suggestions with the help of which we can come out of difficult situations.

Sorrow is such a thing that will come in our life at some point or the other because it is not possible to remain happy always in our life but we can tackle the sad condition according to our thinking and if we get the support of good friends and close people then we can tackle this sorrow very easily.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙏
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