Major Flaws In Tax System

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On hearing the name of tax, many people start feeling strange because if seen, we have to give some part of the money we are earning to the government and this part is what we are earning with our hard work. I am not against the tax system, but I feel that if the government is taking tax from you, then in return you should also give it facilities according to the tax so that your expenses can be reduced. What is the benefit of such a tax system, you have to pay tax from your earnings and then you have to meet your necessary expenses with the remaining money. Just a few days ago, Budget 2024 came in India and a large number of people are unhappy with it because they believe that the budget is not right for the common man because this common man is loosening your pockets. Well, I agree here that the government has its source of income through tax and with the help of this tax, it does all the government work there and the revenue of the government comes only through the tax of the public.

Many people pay taxes as a charity because they feel that they are paying a lot of taxes and they are not going to get any benefit from it because if we see, in many countries the government takes taxes but in return of that tax they neither get any health services nor the children of those tax payers get any exemption in education. In big countries, people happily pay taxes because there they get the kind of services that a tax payer should get. If we talk about big countries, here health and education are available for free and that too of a very good level. Some countries believe that they also provide education and health for free but if we see, the level of their health system and the level of their education system is very poor. The government says that we have built hospitals and government schools but there is always a shortage of doctors and other health services in the government hospitals. On the other hand, if we talk about government schools, there are many government teachers who do not teach their students properly and do not do their work properly, due to which no one would want to educate their children in such schools.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

If we talk about one of the biggest drawbacks of the tax system, then it is that the tax system is not uniform. Uniform means that some people do not have to pay tax even though their income is very high, while some people have to pay tax no matter how much their expenses are. Today, the rich people find many ways to save their tax and they also become successful with those methods because they have a team of many people who work on how to save their tax. Today, there are many classes in the country who earn a lot but do not pay tax at all and this is the biggest drawback of the tax system. If we talk about farmers, the poor farmers do not have to pay tax, but the rich farmers who are earning crores of rupees a year also do not have to pay tax, so what kind of rule is this? The cost of the tax system falls the most on the common man because he does not get a chance to save tax, his salary comes after tax deduction, so the salaried employees suffer the most.

Today there are many countries where hardly 5% people have to pay tax. How wrong is this because the entire government of the country is running with the help of just 5% people and you can imagine how the government system is running. If we talk about the rich then they should also be taxed according to their income. They find many ways to hide their income but the government should be one step ahead of them and keep a close eye on all their sources of income and audit them from time to time so that their real income can be known and tax should be levied on them too.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

It is not possible to collect tax from all the people because many people earn very less and they can barely manage their monthly expenses but those who are really earning above a certain level should be asked for tax because if the government feels that their expenses are met and some money is left then it should be used as tax but the government should also see that the common man who is paying tax should get some facility from this tax and the government should improve its facilities. There is only one way to improve facilities and that is to catch those who evade tax and collect tax from these people because these are the people who evade a huge amount of tax of the country.

The government should also work on increasing employment and should also work for the welfare of those who are currently employed because if we talk about the private sector, the salary is very low here and the growth is also very low in a year and in many places, there is no growth at all. If the government has to collect tax, then for this, the government will have to bring such things which will increase its revenue. More tax should be imposed on things which are luxury items but tax should be completely abolished on things which are the basic needs of a person and such things should be sold at a low price so that inflation remains under control and a common man can easily manage his expenses. I am saying this because it is not necessary that we have to pay tax only on salary, we have to pay a huge amount of tax on the things we buy and sometimes we have to pay tax on such things which are of our need.

Uniform tax system is very important because it will not burden any particular class of people with tax and this is also very important for those who evade tax because these people are not good for the economy of our country. Such people are a big loss for the economy because these people evade tax and it is because of them that inflation increases and then the common man has to bear the brunt of this high price because the government has tax liability and it will collect that much.

Thanks for reading till the end🙏
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