If it were possible,I would turn to be one my favorite animal

Hello to all hive users 🙂❤️🙂
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ❣️❣️

Although there are many animals in the world, but among all those animals, I find the dog my most favorite animal. Dog is such an animal that many people keep it in their house and dogs also protect the house and behave like a members of the house.
The biggest reason why I like dogs very much is that dogs are very loyal. They are completely loyal to their owner, dogs protect their owner and their home too, many dogs are also very intelligent and understand many things about humans, dogs have a lot of ability to sense.

Image by a inactive account source from Pixabay

Many breeds of dogs are able to sense very well and they sense our happiness, our sorrow, our anger and many dogs also behave according to they sense about their owners, so all this quality is seen in many dogs and There are also many such qualities which are seen in dogs.

Another quality seen in many dogs is that many dogs do not allow outsiders to enter inside the yard of their owner's house, they either bark or sometimes even bite outsiders, although biting is not a good thing It did not happen but if an unknown person is entering our house, then these dogs also prevent him from entering our house, so in such a situation, we can say that dogs are very useful animals from the point of view of security, because apart from the dog There would hardly be any pet that would protect its owner's house in such a way and which would have all these qualities.

Image by ZigmarsBerzins from Pixabay

If I talk about dogs in my life, since the time I was born, we have always had some or the other dog, i like dogs very much since childhood and our whole family kike dogs very much. We had many dogs since my childhood, some have become victims of tigers, some have died due to disease, some dogs have died in road accidents but the memories of all those dogs are in our hearts. I have seen one thing in dogs that If you have kept a dog in your house, then it makes you feel like a family member, you will feel like a family member there, like a small child, he plays with you, protects you like a bodyguard,like a good friend, he is always with you, such qualities are rarely found in any human being. In today's time, there is hardly any human being as loyal as a dog is, because people who think about others are rarely found nowadays. And the dog always thinks of its owner first.

If it is possible to turn into an animal, I would like to be a dog. I am saying this because the first reason is that the dog is very dear to everyone in his house, all the members of the house consider dogs very good and love them very much, due to which dogs never feel alone.

Image by an inactive account source from pixabay

Most of the dogs get along with the family and grow up there with the family. I have seen that dogs get a lot of love in the house, they are also taken care of a lot and many dogs get such a life which hardly many of the human gets. I have seen dogs in my home, in my neighborhood or at my relatives' place or wherever I have seen dogs, I have always found that dogs are always treated like a family member in the house and all the members of the house are very fond of them. They always take care of him and talk to him, even if they does not speak our language, but he definitely understands.
Just now I would like to end my post here and in the end I would just like to make a small request to all of you that whether we keep dogs, love our dogs, but there are many dogs today ,who do not have a home many dogs don't get any food for many days due to which many dogs die due to hunger, I have seen many such dogs and I help such dogs as much as possible and I would request all of you that you should take care of stray dogs. Take care also because those animals also need your love, those animals also need your support, help them as much as you can and take care of them as much as possible. You can also keep them in your home if possible.
Thank you very much for reading my post till the end.

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