Filter doesn't apply in real life 😇

Hello to all hive users🙂🙏❣️
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life😊

As the technology of smartphones has evolved, the camera in the smartphone is one such thing which is getting better and better every year. There was a time when there were cameras in mobile phones but they were not capable enough to capture the scene as seen in front of them. If we talk about the last 5 years, then you must have seen that the option of filters has started coming in the camera application of any smartphone, in fact, filters do this by making your photo many times better, so that you can look better than real.When there were no fitters in smartphones, before that people used Photoshop to improve their photos, but today filters are easily done in mobile phones. Mostly people use filters while taking selfies to make their face look better. Nowadays, many such applications have come in the App Store, whose work is only to filter your photos, this application also gives a better look to your old photos.

Image by Myléne from Pixabay

If I tell my personal experience, first I don't take too many selfies etc. I am very fond of nature photography and the photos I capture are mainly of nature or flowers and I do not use any filter in capturing these photos. If I feel that the photo has been captured a little faded, then for that I select the option of photo edit, which makes the photo a little better. When I got my second smartphone in 2014, I used the filter option for the first time, and after using the filter option, I noticed that if someone is taking a selfie, the colors of his face are enhanced so much. It used to happen that any person could easily identify that this picture was taken after the use of filters and if we saw the real face, there would be a lot of difference in it.

Those who use filters while taking photos of themselves, I would like to give this opinion to these people that if people like them in reality, then share the picture there in social media, even if people like you or not, but one thing as you look, so the picture will be in front of the people. No matter how much editing you do in your photos, but the real truth will be the same as you look in real life. I believe here that people should pay more attention to other things than taking care of their appearance, the biggest thing is the behavior of a person, if your behavior is not good with others, then no matter how beautiful you are it is totally useless.

But on the other side no matter how bad you look, but if your behavior towards people is good, if you respect your elders and younger ones, then your appearance will not make any difference to anyone. That's why I understand that instead of editing our photos and adding filters to them, we need to improve them with our social behavior, because the face is just a thing to see, but it is very important to work on the real things. It is necessary.

There is such an incident in my life in which I was cheated with someone's photo. So this is a few years ago I went from my city to another city in search of job, initially I was not getting job there so I had inquired online for job oriented course training in many coaching centers like after some time after I made enquiry, I started getting calls from many coaching centers and replies on WhatsApp from some coaching centers as well.When I talked to many coaching centers people, after that I found one course a bit right, so I should inquire more about that course, then they told me on WhatsApp here that you come to our center, we will provide you all the details there. The lady I was talking to told me that my name is this and I will meet you at this place as I did not know the way to the coaching center so she told that you can come with me and she contacted me through whatsapp and she said that you can meet me at this bus stand and you can recognize me from my WhatsApp profile picture. I told what the next day and I went to that bus stop in the morning at the time they told me I searched a lot for that woman there but I didn't see her anywhere I also called many times but she was not picking up the phone because maybe she can't hear the ring due to the noise of the vehicles. Then after some time I got a call from a unknown number and that call was from the same woman and she said I am here for a long time but you have not come yet,then i told him that i am also waiting on bus stand from very long time but I can't you see anywhere. Then when he told me that I was standing at this place, I found that I had seen this woman many times but the photo she had put on her profile was completely different and many filters were added to that photo that is why I didn't really recognize him,after that again we both sat in the bus and went towards the coaching center and there he told me more details about the course.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙏
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