Earning by writing โœ๏ธ

Hello to all Hive user's ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ™

Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ๐Ÿ˜Š
Most of us are such people who make our hobbies and there are some people who make their hobbies their profession. Many times you must have seen that the person who sings in a good voice, he later makes his name famous in the world of music. Similarly, there are many such works which are people's hobby first, then they turn it into their hobby. turn into a profession. Actually people make hobby because many times it happens that people's life is very busy and people become so busy in their life that they forget to take refreshments there, then hobby helps a lot. Not daily, but if you practice your hobby even once a week, that too for some time, then you feel good to a great extent and along with it, a positive energy remains inside us. If a person continues to do the same work 24 x 7, then in such a situation, his mind will also start moving away from him and at the same time he will start feeling boring, so it is necessary for a person to keep taking refreshments from time to time or a little. Many breaks are also very important for a human being.

Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

If I talk about my hobby, then I loved writing since childhood, I used to read a lot of stories since childhood and I was also very fond of writing stories. In childhood, if I had seen any incident, I used to start thinking about it in my mind and I used to create many types of scenes of each incident in my mind, as if it had not happened, it would have happened if it had happened like this. It was a promise to the person in front of me to speak and I used to keep thinking in my mind by converting that particular incident into many types of scenarios with someone. However, I could not pursue this hobby of mine because I could not get much information about it, nor could I get any guidance related to this thing. Second thing Hathi movies became very busy with my school studies that time for all these things became difficult so I used to start thinking things like that sometimes in free time.

Then as I progressed from school to college, my habit of thinking also decreased here because there used to be a lot of burden of studies. Then after that my hobby for writing also decreased, then once you move towards the job, then many of our hobbies go away and something similar happened with me. I was unable to get time at all while working, so I used to reduce thinking about any incident gradually and writing had become a distant thing.

Then just last year in the month of December, one of my close friends told me about Hive, so I found this platform very interesting and here I felt that my hobby is being fulfilled and I am earning some money as well. . Although I am unable to give much time to Hive due to my busy and stressful job, but whatever time I give, I present it in front of you with full thought. I have decided to give more and more time to the highway because I feel that here I can enhance my hobby more and along with this I can have some side earning.

Although now I do not know for how long the highway can run because many times I am also afraid here that if the highway is closed then many people will stop but I pray from my side that it is closed anytime Don't be because there is a great way of livelihood for many people like here and there is also a great opportunity for us so that we can touch the heights of success and do so much more that we can fulfill our dreams.

Thanks for reading till the end ๐Ÿ˜Š
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