Challenge is Compulsory For Every Child

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Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🙂

Ever since you are born in this world, you have to accept challenges. There are some challenges that a person cannot escape even if he wants to. When children enter school, challenges start coming from there. First the challenges of school exams, then the challenges of scoring good marks and the rest are the challenges of performing well in co-curricular activities. If seen, a person is surrounded by challenges. Actually, a person has to learn to face challenges during his student life itself. Although there are many people who could not go to school due to some financial crisis, but they also face many challenges in real life to earn their bread. Without challenges, a person cannot survive. If we see today, the competition in any field is so high that a person has to work very hard, only then he can make his place there. School prepares us for the big challenges that come in the future. These are the same challenges that take a person to the door of success. These challenges also teach a person to face difficulties that may arise in life later on.

If someone is rich, he can keep his children away from all these challenges, but no one will do this because he knows that today, even if he keeps his children away from this struggle, but in the future, when he will have to face many times bigger struggles, how will he do it. You must have seen that no matter how rich a person is, his children study in a collective school, if he wanted, he could have taught these children in his home by a private teacher because his children have to take only basic education. After growing up, they have to take care of their own business and for higher education they go to some other country. Now, the rich parents here want to put their children in that environment and they want to train their children about what a competitive environment is like so that the children can prepare themselves for the future because it is very important to face challenges in the environment because the kind of environment a school provides to prepare children, such an environment cannot be found anywhere else.

Competition is also important because many times it happens that we focus on a particular subject but that comes before our society, so with the help of competition we also get to know what we should prepare for the future and which subject we should choose for our higher education so that we can face the challenges in a better way. If you have chosen a subject which has good scope but you are unable to understand it, then you will not be able to compete well in that subject because how will you answer the questions of those things which you are unable to understand. On the other hand, if there is a subject which may have less scope but you understand it well, then you will be able to top it.

The school conducts exams from time to time because through these exams they come to know how much the children are studying and how much the child is understanding. The marks obtained in these exams also tell the students how much more they need to work hard so that they can pass with good marks. If it was a school, it would conduct exams only once a year but the idea behind conducting exams from time to time is that children should be assessed from time to time regarding their studies. I have seen many schools where exams of some subject or the other are held every week.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Earlier I used to think that this would be a load of studies on the children because if you think about it, every week some exam or the other is being held, then in such a situation the children will always be tensed but if we look at it from another point of view, then the children will have to face challenges every week and this will be the reason that will make them top the class with good marks in the future. If exams are held from time to time, then the children will have to learn to manage time properly and the children will also have to be taught to catch more knowledge in less time. Earlier it used to happen that exams were very rare so children did not pay attention to the things they studied in school and they used to study only a few days before the exam in which their only concern was how to pass. But now if exams are held from time to time then children will have to pay attention to the things they studied in class to score more marks and will have to revise those things again at home, only then will the children be able to understand the topic in a better way and will be able to score good marks in future.

Image by Manfred Steger from Pixabay

We may want to keep our children away from all these competitions or exams today, but for how long will we be able to do this because their age will keep increasing and in the future they will have to face many times bigger challenges than this, then who will help them at the right time. The kind of challenges we are facing in our lives today, our coming generation may have to face many times more challenges than this.Therefore, if children have to be prepared for future challenges, then they will have to get used to facing difficult challenges from now on and for this, you will have to always motivate them for any kind of challenges that they face in school.
Though today they may see this thing as a huge burden of work but when they will face difficulties in the future and they will be able to face those difficulties with ease then they will remember the same thing that if we had not faced so many challenges in the future then we would not have been able to fight these big challenges here today.

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