Seeking A Peaceful Existence Amidst Chaos.

In life, one has to know when to stay strong and when to rest. You can’t just keep living life thinking everything will be fine forever. No, most times we get to experience unexpected circumstances and also face some life challenges. Some are inevitable while some could be overcome.

One thing I cherish about my dad’s words he once told me is that “yourself first” and that is just the fact about living a peaceful existence.

I have put this into practice over time and I realized that there is only a little to what you can do to others if you can’t even care for yourself. The moment you have peace of mind and you live a good life then you can extend that to others.

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The world itself is so imbalanced that if you are not so strong, you might find yourself struggling for nothing. But once you try to sit back and then think about what life is all about, and figure out some ways how to overcome life challenges, then life just gets easier.

There are a lot of reasons why we need to create a balance with the way of life we live. I have learned over time and I am also threading along a pattern that I realized has helped me achieve proper well-being over time. Some of these are;

Prayers: I have learned to embrace praying a lot, and not joke with prayers. When things seem right and wrong all I result in at the end is prayer. I remain grateful to the almighty God for the good things that come my way, and I also keep praying for the best to come.

Responsibilities: Responsibilities are one thing that can hold you down from getting to live the life you want. Most times we find ourselves being responsible for some unnecessary responsibilities. Though they might be something we have to do, but not as seriously as we take it to be. Figuring out what responsibilities I can take on myself and not get overwhelmed with them is one thing I have to keep to with time to get myself a good lifestyle

Everyone will be fine without me: The thought and mentality of thinking people can’t do without us is a total deceit. They will surely do fine and even better without you. People will move on if you are no more. So when you know this, why do we have to overdo it and get our lives complicated just to please others? Meanwhile in the end you will just be replaced with time. Knowing about this is something that allows me to strike a balance with life.

Needs and wants: These two look so similar but they are way different from each other. Our needs are what we should prioritize. When we get over our needs then we can come to think about wants. Needs are like compulsions, while wants are like necessity. So I see myself striking a balance with life by understanding my needs and my wants in whatever condition I find myself in.

Taking my health seriously: It is said that health is wealth. And I agree with this. Because what the use of excess wealth with health failure. Though wealth is needed to have a healthy lifestyle. Not that we get to put wealth first and forget about our health. At the end of it all, we would have to spend all that wealth trying to get healthy.
As for me, I put my health first, I know when to rest and when to work. I don’t want to see myself down just because of the little attention I should have given to my health.

In conclusion, our life is our responsibility. And we should know that no one is coming for us other than ourselves. The type of life we want to live is in our hands and that's just it.

This is my response to the hive learners community weekly featured content on Hive for the week 112 edition 3 and the topic to be discussed is WE NEED BALANCE

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