Marched into the month of Ramadan

Every new day on the earth's surface is a blessing to me. I am always grateful for the fact that I can even wake up from where I slept, not knowing anything that’s going on around me till I am up and alive again. Then keep having these days come after another. Anyone who could think about the past would never be ungrateful.

Just like yesterday when we were about to welcome the new year 2024. While I was in a conversation with someone last month which was March. I mentioned that my plans for the first quarter of the year (Q1) are over.

Last month was so cool, though not talking about the weather forecast yet because it was more sunny days than rainy ones and the atmosphere was a bit hot to some extent. But that's how we get to keep living in it, no one could dictate the type of atmospheric conditions they want.

Ramadan was fast approaching and the speculated date for kicking off was early March, since last year we have been planning and preparing to welcome the holy month. It's a lovely month when we all get to increase our acts of worship, spread more goodness and kindness to everyone around us, and give charity to the homeless and needy. The month is worth welcoming.

Then with the blink of an eye, Ramadan was upon us. There is something that keeps repeating itself every year Ramadan and that's the fear of how to sustainably complete the fasting without stress. Many would think of how to feed themselves and their family. But with God so good from the beginning of the month till the end everything would turn out fine and even beyond expectations.

In the early days of March, we had our first prayer (Taraweeh) all over the world after the sighting of the moon. Ramadan kicked off. Gradually day 1 started counting down to day 21. Which was the end of March. Just 10 more days to go.

The last ten days are just another sacred day in the holy month. Every night of these days is dedicated to intense prayers and supplications. These days came and gradually counted over till the last day of Ramadan.

There comes the 29th day of Ramadan, where there could be a little confusion on sighting the moon and this is an occurrence that happens annually. But for this year it was just so straightforward. The moon wasn’t sighted on the 29th day, so we had to complete the month.

Yesterday was Eid and that was one of the happiest moments for all Muslims all over the world. Though this celebration might be regarded as a small Eid the grand Eid celebrations will be in two months. But the happiness of witnessing the holy month from the beginning to the end, and also being a part of those who would see the day of celebration is worth celebrating.

The sad part of it is that once the month is over, there is no other month that could bring forth what Ramadan has brought upon us again, till next Ramadan when we meet again. I am already beginning to miss the month of Ramadan. Every time I remember how we jointly break our fast in congregations, the smile on everyone’s faces, the morning lectures received, and the daytime sleep when everyone gets tired and weak. I love the month of Ramadan.

Dear Ramadan, we’re not saying Goodbye, but see you again. 😭😢

This is my response to the hive learners community weekly featured content on Hive for the week 109 edition 2 and the topic to be discussed is THE PAST MONTH

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