Majority of age is only 18 laps of the sun [w112 e2]

Coming of age is a topic that affects in different ways, depending on who is talking about it. For many teenagers, they long for it madly, believing that it will give them freedoms that they do not have until now (I think very few are afraid of reaching it). Some parents wish it for their children and that way they will continue to grow as a person, assuming new responsibilities. But I think this is relative, and there is a big space between the cold limit that establishes an age number and the maturity and sanity of the person. Please join me in talking about this.

In Venezuela, one ceases to be a minor at the age of 18. Generally, a young person can finish high school at the age of 16 or 17. So it is possible that some may reach the age of majority when they are already inserted in the labor field. But does reaching that age automatically make them eligible for all the responsibilities and rights of an adult? Not necessarily. I will discuss a few areas, focusing on the need for education and training.

Upon reaching the age of majority a person can apply for personal documents to function inside and outside the country, such as a passport or driver's license. And this is important, because they may be needed at any time. However, how is that person driving a vehicle safely and responsibly? Beyond knowing where the speeds are and how to use the rearview mirrors, responsibility, prudence, caution and other qualities are values that are learned before the age of 18. The idea of having another reckless person authorized to drive in our vehicle fleet is a bad deal. And if you rather want to travel to another country without your parents, are you fit to manage alone in an unknown and different environment in culture, language, climate, etc.?

The family is one of the foundations of human society, and I am one of those who think that marriage is one of the things that gives a family a strong foundation. At the age of majority a person can get married. Now, is that girl prepared to assume her role as a wife in the family? Is that boy prepared to support his household and fulfill his responsibilities? That is not automatically achieved with age. It is no secret to anyone that it takes preparation to start a relationship with another person, because even our background, patterns and culture affect our judgment of how we view the other person and what we believe is acceptable in our case. So there are cases where we have to break down ideas, misconceptions and even break cycles to succeed. And some need more than 18 years.

In the social sphere, young people are expected to bring benefits to their neighborhood and jobs, without endangering order, the common good and the integrity of others. For that reason, delinquency and excesses with alcohol and drugs go in the opposite direction to that noble objective. It is true, with the age of majority you can buy and consume alcoholic beverages according to the laws in force, but it is one thing to drink in moderation and another to get drunk promoting disorder. Only with efficient education is that a person can understand the importance of being able to enjoy pleasures without putting at risk the well-being of others, some, for not understanding this important aspect have been deprived of freedom, being a hard social teacher.

In the financial field, a person with 18 years of age can open a bank account and even apply for a credit card, of course, presenting all the corresponding documents. But, is this young person able to manage their own money? Many of them are, and they have achieved it thanks to the good example set by their parents, teaching them to make the best use of the available resources, avoiding unnecessary expenses, encouraging savings, looking for the best price-quality ratio, among other things. It is only with this understanding that we would have a financially capable adult.

So, does age really matter when it comes to maturity? I would say no, based on the examples cited above and more. Age of majority does not automatically confer maturity. So what do I think might be the ideal age to be considered the age of majority? I think there are some countries that are considered 21 years of age. 18 years old, 21 years old... still good ages, on paper, but even more important is the moral, ethical, spiritual and social education that young people receive so that they can be responsible adults. Many have understood this even before they have reached the age of majority in their country.

18 years is only 18 laps that the planet earth went around the sun. What was done during that time? If you didn't take advantage of it, it's not the earth's fault, it won't stop waiting for any of us. Let's keep taking advantage of the time to advance in our own maturity and help others reach it as well. See you next time!


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Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL

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