Decima: Two Hold - Chapter 2 - A'mara Books




(Terraday, cont.)

Belmara Mountain Institute

Vinnia Vost tried not to tremble as she stood in the magna-chamber with the group of young men and women, all with magna-cuffs on their wrists and ankles. The magna-ports had been activated, securing her wrists firmly to the bars behind her. She wondered what would happen next as the guards had left them alone, knowing they were all well-secured. Their hosts took no chances that leya-gifted individuals might spring their locks. It spoke of a level of fear on the part of their captors.

She had awakened that morning as the ship had arrived in Aréza. Vinnia had hoped to alert someone at customs, but somehow, they managed to skip that formality entirely.

There were a dozen young women from Tranas, some showing obvious signs of the developing lives within them; others were only visible within the leya. The others were frightened, so Vinnia had tried to give them mental encouragement. Her mother would be looking for her already and had already talked to Fain Kulun, the Terrenden abári at his retreat in Çtarest.

The other young women had never even been off Tranas before, as far as Vinnia could tell, whereas she had been on Irola – where she had spent a lot of time with Darrey before sharing the scorching nights that had created the life growing in her body.

Off the ship, they had all been pushed into a delivery hovervan, their magna-cuffs ensuring they couldn’t fight their fate. Before long, they had stopped outside a building where their guards brought half a dozen young men as well as another dozen young women. Although the men were similarly secured, the women weren’t. Vinnia wondered about the purpose only until the guard riding with them had felt the need to tear the clothes off one of the women, screwing her brutally in front of everyone, her loud screams falling heavily on the others. The woman who tried to stop the attack ended up being the next one to be assaulted. No one dared to move after that even though the flight was a couple of hours into the mountains.

She was glad she had conceived in love rather than rape. Vinnia had heard of women being sold into sexual servitude, but had always thought of it being something in the Distant Lands, not here in the more civilized part of the world. Yezi’im might do it too, she supposed, grateful that Darrey was Kri’enden instead. Again, she was glad she was already pregnant by someone she still loved, rather than available for these guards – or whomever might be waiting for them.

The opening of the cage caught her instant attention. A teen-aged girl and a man at his prime came in, looking them over. Their gaze caught on the half-naked women who had been raped on the way up, but not even a glimmer of pity shadowed their faces.

The girl caught Vinnia’s attention. What had happened to her to make her so uncaring?

“The pregnant ones, obviously, might be able to help with the livestock,” the young woman said to the man with her. “The fresh ones can provide sport for the men and the guards.”

Vinnia wondered how a woman could take such a dim view of other women!

“Whomever can’t handle the livestock can work in the fields with the children.”

“Sounds like a good plan. We have to make sure they have no memory of this place, of course,” the man replied.

Vinnia felt her alarm increase. It would also explain why no one seemed to know about this place, as beautifully set as it was.

“Do you have the programs for that?” the woman asked.

“Of course. Your grandmother made sure this place had everything needed.”

Vinnia wondered whether this whole conversation was taking place for show – to frighten everyone into complacency. She would resist, she instantly determined.

It was to her surprise and fear that the young woman turned to her. She came right up to Vinnia, looking bemused. “You are strong and defiant. The first is to your benefit. The latter will cause distress to you. Obedience can make the difference between life and death on this mountain, as I’m sure you’ll see in time.”

Vinnia said nothing, feeling that silence would be an ally here.

The young woman began to move on, then she came back and looked at Vinnia’s abdomen. She held her hand to it. “I’ve seen this leya-imprint before… almost… Who is the father?”

“My mother is the abári on Tranas!” Vinnia retorted, ignoring the question.

“I do not care who your mother is! I want to know who the father of your child is!”

“My mother has already talked to Fain Kulun! They will catch you and pull this place to pieces!”

The woman laughed. “I think not. Even if they find this place, they will never close this place – they will choose to keep it going!”

“Don’t insult them!” Vinnia hissed.

“And don’t assume!” The young woman’s eyes looked wild, like someone completely untamed and possibly very powerful. “T.R.A.S.H. You’re one of them, aren’t you? How did you get to Tranas?”

“My mother lives there.”

“You left because you were pregnant, didn’t you? What? A month ago? Two months?”

Vinnia closed her mouth, but her mind said enough for her.

“You are Vinnia Vost. You carry Darrey Savar’s baby.”

“How did you know?!”

“Your mother is the abári of Tranas… everything else was remembering what I was told at Base 7.”

“They wouldn’t have told someone like you!”

“They would if I was the cook. I sent Euli and Kimmel to bed together.”

“No! That would be impossible!”

She smiled for the first time. “But I did – shortly before leaving. I’m afraid Kimmel thinks Euli was in with me and kicked her out.”

“No! How could you?!”

“I watched my mother kill Breith, shortly before I lost Issyk’s baby.”

“You’re joking?! Kjane and you? He wouldn’t!”

“If he was out of his mind, he would.” She grinned again. “Euli and Kendra are here waiting to see you.”

“Kendra? Kimmel’s sister?”

“Also pregnant – apparently the Petal Bed Plus made a few babies that night! Even your Darrey had some action.”

“You’re wicked!”

“Why thank you, Vinnia. You may call me Thorsa. Jeremy, you and the guards work out who is rooming where… Put the pregnant women downstairs. Then, leave the other women in the upper level lounges. I’m sure they’ll find their places quickly.”

“Of course, Thorsa,” the man replied.

“Put Vinnia with Euli and Kendra. They deserve a reunion.”

Vinnia watched Thorsa leave, barely remembering to close her mouth.



Start over with chapter 1

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Other stories about Decima... (all available in both digital and formats editions.)

Maps and Guides

Map of Almara

Map of Tranas

Map of Balan

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Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2105 – all rights reserved.
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Lori Svensen
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