Sholawat on Friday


How are you all friends, I hope today is better than yesterday.

On this short occasion I want to share a moment that happened last Friday. This activity has become a routine for students. They gathered in the field to pray together. This activity has been going on for a long time during the pandemic.

They gathered on the field in neat rows. Everyone understood that when the bell rang, they immediately came out to form a line. Guided by a teacher, the lineup is prepared and tidy. Health protocols are still prioritized, keep your distance and wear masks.


Boys line up neatly with each other and girls like that too. The formation looks very neat when viewed like this. Students who are not healthy are not allowed to take part in this activity. After everything is ready, some students who have been selected first lead the remembrance.

Sholawat immediately sung together. The students followed closely. They have been given sheets of remembrance to read and memorize. So that they really understand and understand the chanting of this sholawat.


After the sholawat verses have been read, it is followed by a lecture delivered by one of the selected students. This is an exercise for them to develop confidence and courage. Because one day they will live in society.

Even while standing, another student listened to the advice given by one of his friends. Approximately seven minutes were given time to give a speech in front of his friends. After the oration, the students were dismissed and returned to their respective classes to continue learning.

These are some of the moments that I managed to capture during this activity.





Sorry for all the shortcomings of this short scratch. Thank you

Best Regards @p3d1

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