Shy Princess Flower Plant


Good afternoon hive friends. Meet me Moza Logawa, as usual I always share my photography results on my hive blog. So on this occasion I want to share pictures of the shy princess plant and flower, so you must have seen this flower many times and know its name is the embarrassed princess flower, do you know why it's called the embarrassed princess? Because the leaves are sensitive when touched, they will cover the leaves as if they are embarrassed to be touched. So that's a little story about the name of the shy daughter.

Selamat sore sahabat hive. Berjumpalagi dengan saya Moza Logawa, seperti biasanya saya selalu membagikan hasil-hasil fotografi saya di hive blog saya ini. Jadi pada kesempatan ini saya ingin membagika gambar tanaman bunga putri malu, jadi kalian pasti sudah sering melihat bunga ini dan tau namanya yaitu bunga putri malu, kalian tahu gak kenapa disebut putri malu ? Karena daun nya yang sensitif jika disentu dia akan menutupi daun nya seperti terlihat malu jika disentuh. Maka begitulah sedikit cerita tentang nama putri malu.



This shy princess flower is one of the flowers that is easy to find anywhere because usually this flower grows a lot on bushes by the side of the road and this plant likes humid places. This plant has beautiful flowers with pink color, the flower shape is round like a ball and has a unique shape inside the flower.

Bunga putri malu ini salah satu bunga yang mudah ditemukan dimana saja karena biasanya bunga ini banyak tumbuh di semak-semak dipinggir jalan dan tanaman ini menyukai tempat yang lembab. Tanaman ini memiliki bunga yang indah dengan warna merah muda, bentuk bunga nya bulat seperti bola dan memiliki bentuk yang unik di dalam bunga tersebut.

This shy princess plant in addition to having beautiful flowers, the plant also has sharp thorns on its stem, if we step on the stem we will feel the sharp thorns on the plant. The stems of this plant glow on the ground.

Tanaman putri malu ini selain memiliki bunga yang indah tanaman tersebut juga memiliki duri yang tajam pada batang nya, jika kita terinjak batang nya kita akan merasakan tajam nya duri pada tanaman tersebut. Batang tanaman ini menyalar ditanah.




This shy princess plant has many benefits besides being easy to get and rich in benefits. If you want to know what the benefits are, you can click here

So here's a little information from me about the image I posted, I hope you guys like it. Thank you and see you in the next post.


CameraOppo A92
LensLensa macro

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