cute and spoiled cat

greetings friends at hive Indonesia How are you all today, I hope you are all well wherever you are, this time I want to share some of my photos, namely a photo of my favorite cat at home, I took a photo shot a few days ago, this cat that I have is very spoiled with me and very cute, I give this cat a name, namely Kucong Angreni, because it's a female cat, that's why I gave it the name Angreni, I've kept it for 5 years so it's very spoiled with me, this cat since I was little I love rice mixed with just salt, I don't give fish, that's why this cat doesn't like fish and doesn't want it at all, so I'm not afraid to be eaten by fish at home, and never go anywhere just at home, I'm very comfortable with my angreni cat.



that's all I can explain and that's all my photo shoot, hope you guys can like it, thanks to the hive indonesia community,


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