๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Round-Up 1000 - Celebration Post (History & Future of PhotoFeed)๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

Mein Beitrag(3).png

Oh Boy, Round-Up Nr. 1000...

It all started with a vision of 4 people who created a platform to highlight professional photographers on this blockchain. The original introduction took place over 3.5 years ago Introducing PhotoFeed on Jan 9, 2018:
"PhotoFeed is a project spear-headed by @jrue, @aweber, @yumyumseth and @cryptoctopus that aims to improve the experience of those who want to see beautiful professional photography on steemit.com"
And so it went - Just 2 days later PhotoFeed started with it's First Round-Up on January 11th 2018 and opened the door for everything we are seeing now in & around this project.


About 2 years later and 536 Roud-Ups further I've noticed that PhotoFeed wasn't as active anymore and the time in-between the Round-Ups got longer. As a photographer myself, I very well remember the feeling of getting a vote and a feature in one of PhotoFeed's Round-Ups. It always felt like an absolute honor and it made me feel really proud at that time.
Seeing that such an amazing project became quite inactive brought the idea to my head making an offer of buying and taking care the account to develop it further. After some conversations with @aweber (And probably a lot of headache for him and the other guys) we reached a point were we agreed on a deal.
Shortly after @photofeed announced the Change of Management on the account and a few days later I made my first post - Major Update


Round-Up 537

Round-Up 537 - On Jan 1,2020 my journey began and I published my first Round-Up. The most important thing for me was to keep the spirit of the project alive and also to represent PhotoFeed as good as I possibly can. The known quality curation was and still is the main priority of our daily Round-Up's.
One of the first things I did was making some adjustments in the layout, keeping it as clean and reader friendly as possible. Over the time I also changed the amount of daily curated pictures from 5 -> 8 which is the ideal number in my opinion. If there is a higher traffic in the future I can change and adjust it of course.


New Formats

In the past 1.5 years I've tried a few additional formats beside our daily Round-Up's. We had formats such as: Editing Masters & Weekly Theme Contest and I've also done 1 interview with @manoldonchev which took an insane amount of time. All of these formats were more or less experiments for a final future adoption.

  • "10 Quick Questions With" is our newest format and consumers seem to like it quite a lot. It's a interview format where we ask Hive photographers 10 common questions to get some insides of their work. I think it's a great way to highlight photographers on the platform. We just released Episode 4 and will continue to publish a new Episode every Sunday.
    Mein Beitrag.png
  • "Weekly Theme Contest" - Will make it's return shortly. Stay tuned for it!
  • Potential future formats: Return of Editing Masters, Photo Critique, Bounty Hunters etc.

Beside that we also had a major change in our daily Round-Up presentation - We have changed from blog posts to collection + blog post. @jarvie suggested this about 2 months ago in a comment and seeing it now it makes absolute sense. It's definitely the best way for now to showcase the users/posts behind the pictures we featured.


PhotoFeed on Social-Media

Discord: About 1 month ago I made quite a radical decision in deleting the old PhotoFeed Discord server which had roughly 600 members on it. The reason behind it was simple - There were to many "dead users" on the server (back from steem days) which made the member overview impossible. You now can join our new server if you want to have a chat!
Twitter: Our Twitter account is doing really well imo. There is a steady growth and the attention slowly spreads around photography communities. I really see some potential there for the integration of new photographers on Hive. Make sure to follow us!


Photofeed Stats

It's always interesting (at least for me ๐Ÿ˜„) to see some facts & stats:

  • The hashtag #photofeed has been used over 255.000 times (HiveSQL)
  • PhotoFeed has received over 540.000 Upvotes (hivebuzz)
  • We are to this day in the Top 10 of the most powerful voting-trails (hive.vote)
  • There were 1052 posts and 5294 comments written from this account (hivebuzz)


Future of PhotoFeed

Straight forward - I want to grow PhotoFeed into something way bigger than what it is right now. There is no day where I not think about on how I could grow this project further. The ideas reach from SMT's to potentially creating an APP or/and Website for PhotoFeed.
The issues for not transforming those thoughts are first, we have no SMT's yet and second, I have no idea about coding ๐Ÿ˜„
To this day I'm running this project by myself and I'm kinda struggling creating a concept for the future developments. Maybe some of you guys have ideas or want to work on something together - Just feel free to hit me up anytime!


Major Problem + Potential Solution?

Not everything is as shiny as it seems to be. There is a massive problem we face on Hive right now - New Users (Focus on Photographers). The amount of new good -> professional photographers joining Hive is low to non existent. This has been the case for a while but on the long run it could definitely be a problem for us.
Any Ideas? I came up with the idea of creating a concept for a proposal called PhotoFeed Bountyhunters. The basic idea behind it is to reward people who successfully integrate new photographers to Hive. I'm still not sure if this idea is naive or impossible to get funded.
I would love to have a discussion with you guys about it either in the comments or on our discord server. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Also cooperating with people who already work in this field would be absolutely appreciated.


Thank you!

I want to say Thank You to everyone who has supported PhotoFeed through comments, engagements and any kind of interaction during the past 3.5 years. You guys really make PhotoFeed to what it is. A great community with the focus on supporting photographers on Hive as good as we can.
I don't want to name single users as there are just to many who are supporting our project but please be sure - I'm very aware of the support you guys give to this project!
To make the celebration perfect I've spend 500$ yesterday to purchase enough Hive to finally reach the 10.000 HP mark.
Beside that I've also hired a professional logo designer for the new PhotoFeed logo. I hope you guys like it :)
And again, thank you to everyone. You guys absolutely rock! - Let's move this project forward together.

The actual Round-Up will be posted later today


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