Little World | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography

Come in and have a look at some of the nice little creatures I have met on my walks.

Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography

Little World
PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography

Pachyrhinus lethierryi
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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The above image is my contribution to this week's PhotoFeed Contest. The theme of the week is Macro Photography. Choosing the right image was hard, but I was so happy that the photo of this little weevil guy came out so lovely, that I had to take it.
(Pachyrhinus lethierryi: Family of Curculionidae - Wikipedia)

This week's contest has given me the opportunity to look through my macro photos which I have taken during the past months.

Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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This ant was slowly climbing up and down the leaf for quite a while, so I could take a couple of shots ot it. Most photos look just the same, so I think one should be enough for this post ;)
In the end the ant fell down on the ground, but of course, it didn't get hurt and continued crawling to somewhere.

Formica - Wood Ant
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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I know I'm not the best macro photographer and these photos are far from being perfectly sharp or composed, but it makes fun to sometimes take the macro lens with me and look for the smaller animals, which have become quite hard for me to see since a few years.
While a few years ago I only needed glasses when sitting at the computer and to read the newspaper, I now need them for everything that's smaller than an elephant 😉

Honey Bee
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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Bees belong to the most important insects in our world and they say if the bees die we will die soon after them. I love bees and I am always happy when I see one flying around the flowers on our balcony.

Honey Bee
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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The German name of the Small Heath is "Kleines Wiesenvögelchen" what means "Little meadow bird" in English. I think I prefer this name 😉 (Small Heath - Wikipedia).

Small Heath
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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The following images show the same fly as shown already in the beginning. It was just waking up from sleeping on a flower. I was a bit too late that morning, so the morning dew on it has mostly dried up already.

Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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I take most of my macros hand held because placing a tripod takes time and if an insect moves or if it's windy, a tripod would only be obstructive.

Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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There are spiders I wouldn't touch, but some look cute, just like this Raft Spider (Dolomedes fimbriatus / Raft Spider - Wikipedia). I'm always searching for Jumping Spiders, but I haven't found any yet, although they live here in Austria too.

Raft Spider
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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I know the Click Bettles since I was a child - we held them between two fingers to feel the "click" when they tried to escape 😉 (Click Beetle - Wikipedia).

Click Beetle
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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These are two different butterflies I have found on the same morning in August this year. Still half asleep, they didn't mind me taking photos of them at all (Aricia agestis - Wikipedia).

Aricia agestis
Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
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Last, but not least, I have a little mushroom family for you. It's no macro, but a close-up I have taken with my 70-200mm lens a couple of weeks ago. This mushroom family was growing so nicely on a mossy tree branch and I couldn't resist taking a photo of it.

Little World - Hive | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography
[click for fullsize]

So, that was it for today, I hope you enjoyed my views into the little world around us and wish you a Happy Weekend 🌞


All photos were taken with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon RF 70-200mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4 L IS USM, Canon EF 50mm 1:1.8 L STM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, Sigma 100-400mm f/5-6,3 DG OS HSM C.
If you are interested in the image data, I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures.

If you like my work I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog
take care, stay safe and healthy,
Johann Piber @johannpiber
Photos and Text: @johannpiber | Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
Please contact me if you would like to have one of my photos in full resolution.

> Have a look at my NFT's on the Foundation Plattform
> My Photos are listed at the OpenSea NFT Marketplace

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