Walk to Work

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I hadn't been into the office in a while, not since late last year in fact, Omnicron had taken hold and although I'm triple vaxed, and thankfully very few people in our workplace got it they had freaked out a little and closed the office again, but this week there was a 'you can come in if you few like it'

And I felt like it, I felt like seeing people, in person and having those natural conversations that just don't happen on zoom, I felt like being around people (although it turns out maybe on about 15% of the us) and just working somewhere different.

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Then of course there is my 'commute' which I'm lucky enough to be a walk of about 2km from my house to the office, through the CBD of Melbourne, I see things, feel the life of the city, see the shapes and the colours, and the light playing tricks in the old structures.

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