Scenes from a Bike - Edition 5 - Taking the Bike Home

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Welcome to The Fifth Edition of the series - Scenes from a bike

The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE.

This Edition facts:

Location: We are taking the bike back to whence it came - no not China, but Brunswick (which is about 6km North of the CBD of Melbourne, and in particular the bike track between my house and Vyron Cycles, where I bought the bike.

Date & Weather: Sunday the 10th of July, Winter, I know it looks sunny but that's the trick of Melbourne in Winter, clear skies, and cold.

Equipment: My Fujifilm X-T3, and the ever reliable 16-80 zoom lens. I rode my Vyron Cumulus 3.0 electric bike.

Finances: The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $35.29 from the previous 4 posts meaning I've paid for 3.2% of the bike and I have $1,065 to go.

Other stuff: The longest single ride distance I've done (I think) at about 25km, it did make me think I could keep following the train line, but that's for another day

Shout out to the header photo - I think we all remember this moment from the mounring after the Christchurch Mosque shooting. NZ prime minister Jacinda Ardern painted by Loretta Lizzio

Let's see what else we found.

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There are a number of well thought through apartment building along the train line, this one is right next to a station.

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I love how much is going on here, the breeze blocks, the yellowed bricks, the multiple piece of graffiti tolerated by the owners.

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The concept of a 'Mixed Business' was something that existed in the suburbs pre 7-Elevens and 24 hour supermarkets, it was the a staple of every shopping strip, I get the feeling this one could be ironic, It's cool though

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Next door is this - which I manage to find beauty in, but I'm not sure many others would.

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I love this mural on the back of the Brunswick Baths (Swimming pool) - The Hazardous Chemical warning does it for me

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This is a classic look of the inner north, industrial buildings built for purpose in the post war period.

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And a modern interpretation, another of the developments, in time the circles will become plants.

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The bottom of the development in the first picture, the sign on the door says the final cleaning is done, and the shadow, although it looks every bit the security camera is actually just a light on the nearby train platform.

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As far North as I got on this trip, The Union Knitting Mills building in Coburg - Art Deco and beautiful built in 1936 and now, of course apartments.

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