Naša noćna šetnja za podizanje raspoloženja. ✨🌙 Our nighttime mood-boosting walk. ✨ 🌙

Nedelja. Kako to lepo zvuči. Dan kada se svi odmaramo. Pasivno ili aktivno. Čerka i ja smo odlučile da danas bude samo naš dan! Radile smo ono zašta obično nemamo vremena. Lenčarile. 😁
Gledale smo filmove, kuvale ručak, pravile kolače, čitale knjige. Opet ležale, odmarale do kasnog popodneva,
Ali u prirodi ljudskig bića je da se kreće. Tako da i pored uživanja u neradu, odlučile smo da podignemo energiju jednom neobaveznom šetnjom.👩‍👧

Sunday. How nice that sounds. A day when we all rest. Passive or active. My daughter and I decided that today would be just our day! We did what we usually don't have time for. Lazy people. 😁
We watched movies, cooked lunch, made cakes, read books. They lay down again, rested until late afternoon,
But it is in the nature of human beings to move. So, despite enjoying idleness, we decided to raise our energy with an optional walk.👩‍👧







Grad je bio neobično živahan s obzirom na nedelju. Automobili su žurili u svim pravcima. Mi smo hodale stazom koja nas je ubrzo odvela u mirniji deo grada. Nismo baš imale veliki izbor koliko daleko da idemo jer je već padala noć a čekale su nas kratke obaveze da završimo pred sutrašnji radni dan. Odlučile smo da obidjemo pravoslavnu crkvu koja krasi centar grada.

The city was unusually lively for a Sunday. Cars were rushing in all directions. We walked along a path that soon led us to a quieter part of the city. We didn't really have much of a choice as to how far to go because night was already falling and we had short commitments to finish before tomorrow's working day. We decided to visit the Orthodox church that adorns the city center.






Crkva je raskošnog stila sa prelepim vitražima na prozorima. Oblik naslikanih svetaca sijala su noćas pod unutrašnjim svetlom crkve.

The church has a luxurious style with beautiful stained glass windows. The shape of the painted saints shone tonight under the interior light of the church.



Odmah preko puta, nalazi se jedan od najstarijih vladičanskih dvorova u Srbiji. Pripada pomenutoj pravoslavnoj crkvi. Jedan od najlepših i najstarijih iz vremena baroka.

Right across the street, there is one of the oldest bishop's palaces in Serbia. It belongs to the aforementioned Orthodox Church. One of the most beautiful and oldest from the Baroque era.




Ovaj elegantni objekat u centru grada predstavlja Spomenik kulture od izuzetnog značaja.

This elegant building in the city center is a Cultural Monument of exceptional importance.


Nastavile smo šetnju.

  • mama, možemo li da kupimo neke slatkiše? 🍡🍭🍬🍩
  • naravno!
    Otišle smo u najbliźu prodavnicu i kupile slatkiše pune vitamina. . . 😁😉
    Čim smo došle kući, otpakovale smo kese i počele da se sladimo da nadoknadimo energiju. 😆🍬🍡🍫
    Možda je za neke ovo obična šetnja ali za mene je ovo roditeljski vaspitanje deteta. Vreme koje provodite sa decom je ulaganje u njegovo zdravo detinjstvo i vaš odnos sa njim.
    Naravno, kiseonik i predivan večernji vazduh su bili pravi izbor za podizanje raspoloženja. . . ✨😊

We continued our walk.

  • mom, can we buy some sweets? 🍡🍭🍬🍩
  • of course!
    We went to the nearest store and bought sweets full of vitamins. . . 😁😉

As soon as we got home, we unpacked our bags and started eating to replenish our energy. 😆🍬🍡🍫
Maybe for some this is an ordinary walk, but for me this is the parenting of a child. The time you spend with your children is an investment in their healthy childhood and your relationship with them.
Of course, oxygen and the beautiful evening air were the right choice to lift the spirits. . . ✨😊

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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