My Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Playing with Plants! - Seaview, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - July 10, 2022

Warm greetings all! 🙏 💚

I've had a very close affinity and connection with plants all my life, and it seems to only grow with time, and the deeper I go. In the last few years, I've come to realize that they are also how I ground when I feel stressed or scattered, and root in a place; by putting plants in the soil and watching them grow over time. The earlier portion of the day was somewhat stressful and unpleasant for me, so I made the decision to to fiddle and play with my plants for a while.

I spent my time reorganizing my nursery space, propagating plants of which I had only a few, up-potting a few plants that needed it, and getting a few smaller plants in the ground. Doing this made me feel far better than I how was feeling earlier, as well as giving me quite a sense of accomplishment to boot! Working with my beloved plants quickly put a big smile on my face!

Here's my nursery space, from various angles, to give you an idea of its size, placement, and what plants I presently have here. These photos were taken part way through my propagating and reorganizing. I still have a great many plants in my other jungle nursery space in the 18-acre, off-grid, clothing-optional, food-forest jungle intentional community (GaiaYoga Gardens), where I lived for three and a half years. What you see here is only a fraction of all the plants that I have and am propagating. I'm still working to get everything moved over here. My intention and desire for this nursery is to propagate and plant as many species as I am able here, at The Sanctuary of The Blue Dragon, to sell at the local markets, and to trade with fellow plant lovers.








These are the two new cardamon - Elettaria cardamomum, that I divided
in half from one larger potted plant today. Thank goodness too, as it was bursting out of the pot! It took me quite a bit of time to extricate it from the pot to divide, but in end I succeeded!


These are a few of the plants that I propagated or up-potted today. There are cuttings of four different lovely and distinct clones of Coleus - Coleus scutellarioides, a presently unidentified variegated creeping arum, four up-potted lemon - Citrus limon seedlings, and a division of the dwarf temperate running bamboo, Pleioblastus pygmaeus.

This was a plant-focused Sublime and Beautiful Sunday, and for that I am very grateful, as working/playing with plants is one of my favorite things in the world, and it always puts me in a good place!

Once I was done with my plants, I was quite hungry, so I made myself the most delicious meal! It had eggs, sweet peppers, trumpet mushrooms, white onions, spinach and feta chicken sausage, raw pepperjack cheese, pink Himalayan sea salt, jalapeño and lime salsa, and some homemade guacamole, all sautéed in a big cast iron pan in unrefined coconut oil, with habañero hot sauce, and alfalfa sprouts added in after it was done cooking. So so so exquisitely, satisfyingly, over-the-top, mouthwateringly delicious! It was a perfect way to end the day!

That's all for now my friends! I'm grateful that I could share some of what put a smile on my face today, on this Beautiful and Sublime Sunday!

Thank you all so much for allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am deeply grateful! 🙏 💚

Image created by @doze.

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