A Sublime Sunday Magical Moon and Double Dream

Sublime Sunday Magical Moon and Double Dream blog thumbnail.jpg

For my last Sublime Sunday post at the beginning of the month, I shared some rainbow photos. This time around I thought I'd share some of the bazillion photos I took of the recent full moon on October 20th, 2021 and run a couple of them through the Deep Dream Generator again - hence the title, Magical Moon and Double Dream.

But before I get to those, be sure to check out the #SublimeSunday tag host @c0ff33a's latest post 🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 An excuse to post your random, creative or crazy ideas by - @c0ff33a ☕️ for more information about how to participate.

Oh, and my usual FYI about my specs - these were taken in my Durham, NH yard with my Nikon and tripod. All were resized, then cleaned up a bit with PicMonkey, mostly adjusting the exposure and sharpness.

Now for the photos...

A Sublime Sunday Magical Moon and Double Dream

First, the magical moon...


1. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg1. Given how cloudy the sky had been for most of the day, I didn’t hold out hope that I’d be able to get any shots. However around 7:30pm ish (according to the time stamp on my camera & it just occurred to me I should probably check to see if the clock is accurate) my husband looked out the living room window and said, “Hon, you should check out the moon.” Two seconds later I was outside taking this shot.
2. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg2. It’s really hard this early in the evening to get a clear shot, as the moon is still way down behind the trees. But I thought this zoomed in shot was cool looking.
3. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg3. Zoomed out a bit more for this one, then went back inside to wait for the moon to get a bit higher in the sky.
4. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg4. I only meant to wait a couple hours, but this shot ended up being four hours later. As you can see, the clouds were still hanging around.
5. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg5. I didn’t think I’d be able to get a clear shot of la luna…
6. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg6. … but for a brief moment, the clouds parted enough for me to zoom in and get this one….
7. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg7. … and a moment later, she got shy again and hid behind the clouds.
8. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg8. While I haven’t figured out yet how to balance getting the details of the moon when zooming out to get the magical sky around it, I still like how it came out.
9. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg9. It looks more like an eye in the sky on camera than it did in the actual sky.
10. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg10. And the white clouds mixed with some clear sky and bits of dark clouds made for some cool patterns.
11. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg11. I did an extra bump with the exposure in this one so the cool patterns of sky, clouds, and trees would show up a bit better.
12. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg12. I almost prefer to have a cloudy sky when the moon is full because it makes everything so magical looking.
13. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg13. Like this bit of magicalness.
14. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg14. That space to the upper left of the moon almost looks like a giant heart in the sky.
15. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg15. More cool patterns.
16. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg16. And even though the moon was pretty high in the sky at this point, I was able to walk down the yard a bit to get some shots of her peeking out behind some branches.
17. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg17. A frame made of branches and fall leaves.
18. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg18. It looks like the moon is resting on the branch – she must be tired after her climb in the sky.
19. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg19. Zoomed out a bit and changed the exposure.
20. Sublime Sunday Magical Moon.jpg20. A bit more zoom and I figured this would be a good place to leave off for today. I still have almost 30 more shots (of the 144 I took) that I’d like to share another day soon.

Now the double dream...


DDG one - Starry Moon.jpgDDG one, created using picture number 6 - I called this one, "Starry Moon"
DDG two - Autumn Moon.jpgDDG two, created using picture number 18 - I called this one, "Autumn Moon"

Hope you enjoyed the Magical Moon and Double Dream & that everyone had a Sublime Sunday!


Thanks for stopping by!

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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

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