Sun ☀️ 🌼 Sunday 🌼☀️☀️

#SublimeSunday is created by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.



Sunday morning and it was decided to visit the Mesić Monastery first (this is also the name of the village next to the Banat Serbia Monastery)


We haven't been for a long time, there is such peace and quiet ....
When you enter the yard, everything is somehow calm .... That's where I come back to myself and nothing else matters anymore ...
I used to think a lot more, about yesterday or tomorrow ... how I'm going to do something ... I felt like I had plenty of time. Now it only matters to me today, and I let everything else just fit in .....


But let's go back to this old monastery which is located at the foot of Magareć hill (part of the Vršac mountains), east of Vršac. From the 15th century. It was named after the river that springs below Crni vrh and flows next to the monastery .... Now it is just a small and unnoticed stream
It was demolished and rebuilt several times, and that is how it came to our time ... today it is the largest nunnery in Banat.


When I visit him, I go all the way around him ..... I enjoy the view of the yard that the nuns maintain ...


In that tour of mine I came across the first visibaba this year 🥰



In the background you can see the part where you can sit in the summer, and I believe that they are welcoming guests from afar ...
Maybe he can sleep over but I don't know that ..

It is beautifully decorated ...



I came across some interesting things about visibabs and I will share that with you ... I love visibabs a lot, but I rarely come across them when they are in bloom ...

"Here are a few things you may not have known about this beautiful flower.

It is considered a symbol of the beginning of spring, but also a symbol of new life and hope! Legend has it that when Adam and Eve were banished from the Gardens of Paradise and when Eve lost hope that the icy winter was coming to an end, an angel appeared who turned snowflakes into hanging babes and thus showed her that winter gives way to spring!
The Latin name for this flower is Galanthus, which means Milky Flower
Fans and collectors of visibabs are called gallantophiles!
Some even call them Sretenje bells
In English they are called snowdrops (snow-snow, drop- old name for earrings)
They grow throughout Europe and Asia
There are 75 different types of visibabs and they are all white
Visibaba bulbs are poisonous !! They contain galantamine, which is lethal in large quantities, and is used in small quantities as a remedy for early Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.
In order to defend themselves against insects, they produce a special type of 'insect poison' (small agglutinin proteins), and thus ensure their survival. "


Now look at the church from the other side ....




Sunday with the sun ... Gentle walk ... Stopped in the sun for a while and absorbed the heat ... and then continued walking ....
But the morning was the most beautiful ...

Thank you very much for visiting my blog 🥰

Have a nice evening ✨✨✨

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