
It's the first Sunday of the month and another time to be in the presence of the Lord. I woke up early this morning to attend the Sunday School starting by 8am which is an hour service before the service proper. While dressing up, a lady we used to go together had to remind me of the exam we would be writing this morning and that was when I remembered I didn't even read the Sunday School manual to know what to write down. We decided to go late so they would have conducted the exam before our arrival which it was how we planned it.

We spent some hours praising and worshipping God and at the end of the service, all FYB students were asked to wait behind for a group photo because this week is our varieties and dinner party as students finishing from school.

When I got home, I decided to give myself a treat by visiting a nearby eatery to get what I needed.


The eatery name is called Crunchies and their meals are very cheap and delicious. I ordered a spoon of Jollof and Fried rice, plantain with a Chicken going with it, was Chivita active which costs $6 for all.


I went home back to devour my meal in peace especially cracking the bones of the Chicken in private 🙈🙈


I was already dozing while eating and when I couldn't finish all, I closed up and slept by 2pm. When I woke up at 4:30pm, I went straight to my meal to finish what I started. It was the best treat ever because I got the money which God provided.

I am looking forward to a beautiful week together with my friends here and I believe we would all be productive.

Let's grind hard this week and expect a huge turnaround for us all.

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