

Since it is Sunday it is easy to relate that day with the word sublime; probably because of this community. ;)

For the past few years, my Sunday mornings have been spent working. Oh, but don't worry, it is not boring or hard physical work. Working for me those days means playing the piano, so it is also something nice and beautiful; I could also call it sublime. However, the part of the day when the sublime moment comes in its truest form is when we take a nice walk in nature. 🍀

It may sometimes feel repetitive since we often choose the same paths... along the seashore, or along the river, but there is always something new to see. For example, how much some of the trees have grown. So tall, that I don't remember these as giants.


The angle from which you look at something also gives the landscape a different vibe. Almost from the same place, but looking towards the mountains, the darker clouds indicated the possibility of rain. This is a complete contrast to the first, sunny image. Nothing happened in the end, we didn't need an umbrella or shelter from rain. We just need shelter to protect ourselves from our own words and actions sometimes - that is how we are, humans.


Back to nature 🌱 - the vegetation around the river is so dense that one cannot even approach the water. A paradise for birds and other small animals and insects.


The blackberries joined this walk too offering this colourful spectacle. No, they are not always the same either. A negative point goes to me for not showing how some of the darker ones disappeared. 😁


After the river, we passed through a part of the town called Sogay. This part is a little separated from the urban part of the city, that's why it's quieter in a way, although the proximity of the highway brings constant background noise.



The flowers don't mind the noise, of course. They are not as picky as us humans who are bothered by everything. If we could read their minds, maybe we would see how they consider this whole world gorgeous, so they bring their own colours and elegance to radiate the same grace.




Horses. They perfectly fit the word sublime in this post. 🐴


The green pine trees also fit it, but this year there have been some disturbing things in this whole area. Many of these huge, green pines have dried up.


The lack of rain and the extremely high temperatures caused this problem so now the area faces the problem of dried-up trees. Actually, there are zones where whole hills are full of these brown, dead trees. 😔


It is sad to see and conclude this post with this picture, although it can also be a sign, a warning for us. It is also a reminder that life is full of contrasting elements that may be considered sublime or in other cases quite the opposite, but such is life.



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