The day after the birthday celebration

Yesterday I arrived from the sea and continued tired with a birthday celebration nothing terrible extremely fine cultural two glasses of wine a little brandy good fried food under the baking lid ( cripnja - crepnja ) ,

cake and went to sleep.

after waking up

great day ... vacation finally after a long time about a year. again iman Skyrim game on pc

I lie down all day I rest and sleep in the evening I drank a few glasses of wine and watched a post by

#borjan @borjan/just-another-ordinary-sunday-afternoon

which gave me crazy positive strength to go play the violin of course


i don't know how to record a video but


only audio this is the red wine i got as a gift


this is his color


the temperature and humidity in the violin box is otherwise just one of the extremely many instruments I have in the house


Hello everyone on Hive I'm going a little crazy about the instrument somehow I'll remember how to combine audio and video together into a good movie because my playing lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour so as not to be extra

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