Shahi Masjid tradition of extinction on the way to extinction...

Signs of the Mughal Empire at the port of Narayanganj are being lost day by day in the shadow of the Shahi Mosque. Although the responsibility of maintaining these primitive works of the country has been entrusted to the Department of Archeology at the National Museum of the Government of Bangladesh, due to negligence and careless role in the duties of the Department, the traditional port city of Narayanganj, Shahi Masjid Masjid, is going to be destroyed for years. Although there are specific principles in the maintenance of these patterns, no one is obeying them.

Particularly any work under the archeology department is to enhance or enhance the beauty of any antiquity. Except the Department of Archeology, there is no jurisdiction to promote or enhance societies. But for the last 5 years, some enthusiastic people have defected by establishing madrasas in the name of expanding the boundary wall and mosque around the historic Shahi Mosque.


The pond adjacent to the mosque has also become filled with dirty water. Buildings and shops have been rented around the main Shahi mosque without the approval of the Department of Archeology. These were reported in the archeology department but there was no response.

It is reported that the mosque is about 500 years old, according to the year 42 (1 Hijri). One of the oldest places of worship for Muslims during the Mughal period. Hundreds of Muslims come to the mosque every day to pray. The architect of this ancient mosque is Haji Baba Saleh Yamani.

He was a great descendant of Mecca. During the reign of Sultan Jalal Uddin Fateh Shah, he was an employee of the royal office. He died at the port. Haji Saleh's father's shrine is located here. An area has been named after this great man named Salehnagar. The Shahi Mosque, built on the side of this city of Saleh, was built with brick and mortar during the Mughal period.

To the south of it is a traditional pond that is under the mosque. The pond is surrounded by ladders. Now the existence of that traditional mosque is on its way to extinction. Nowadays, her heritage is lost.


Earlier, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Narayanganj City Corporation, Mayor Selina Hayat Ivy also recorded the modernization of the traditional Shahi mosque and pond of Ward 28 in a draft of development work. He declared that it would preserve the ancient heritage of the shahi mosque during the Mughal period and dig the pond and lick it around it.

Attempts to contact the mobile phone with Abul Jah, the convenor of the Bandar Shahi Mosque Committee and convenor of the District Jatiya Party, but his mobile phone was found off.

In this regard, ward councilor Hannan Sarkar, 27, told the country, "Since the traditional shahi mosque is under the government's archeology department, the city corporation has no jurisdiction here. But the city corporation plans to tie the lake adjacent to the mosque. A decision will be taken in this regard by talking to the mayor Mahomed.


Meanwhile, Ali Hossain, a resident of Salehnagar area, told the Transfiguration that Shahi Masjid Haji Saleh Baba, the heritage port of the Mughal period, was founded more than 500 years ago. The Shahi Mosque is on its way to extinction. Some owners of the Pond Border Ghese house have also partially occupied the pond and built the house. If the archeology department does not notice then the installation of this Mughal period will disappear.

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