Making Coffee the Old Fashioned Way

Hello Coffee Lovers, welcome back to another spill the beans contest.

Imagine waking up one morning and tuning into the morning news. And the news lady narrates that the government put out a law that states that electricity is now illegal and that in the next ten seconds, all sources of electricity would be cut off? Can they even do that?

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But if they did, how would you cope? What with our espresso machines and almost every other important device being electric?

The “no electricity” law might freak people out to varying degrees. For those who have never in their lifetime witnessed a power outage, it would be absolutely devastating and appalling. For those who are used to having power outages every once in a while, they might not be as distraught. There are also places that don’t rely on electricity at all. This category of people might not even know what coffee is in the first place😅.

I can only speak on behalf of people who live in areas where electricity is not constant. I think the law wouldn't make much of a difference, both in our way of life and in how we make coffee.

Considering our conditions, we are already halfway adapted to life without electricity because we know that is our reality most of the time. That's why you would see homes over here having things like backup generators to provide light when we don't have.

In the case of coffee, instant coffee options are readily available at local stores and supermarkets. So that way, we do not exactly have to grind the beans ourselves before we prepare them.

Comparing instant coffee to coffee made from scratch, I can't exactly say which tastes better because I've only ever had instant coffee. But I think the magic lies in the preparation.

Now, if we were ever to live in a dystopian world in which our precious electricity was taken away, this is how I would prepare my coffee.

How I Make My Coffee

I use Nescafe instant coffee. No espresso machine or electricity are needed, just hot water and my coffee. I'll take you through the steps.

Heat up your waterTill it bubbles...

Firstly, I use a gas powered stove to heat up the water, which would be convenient if we didn't have electricity.

Instant CoffeeAdded water

Then I get my favorite coffee mug and pour the instant coffee into it. And then I add the hot water and stir.

Powdered MilkAdded to my coffeeAfter Stirring

I usually add just milk to my coffee, so I’d do just that.

And voila!, your hot cup of instant coffee is ready for consumption😅.

All Images used are the property of yours truly...

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