Gastronomic and Coffee Route: Guayoyo Bakery [ENG - ESP].



This is the name of the new place, it is a bakery that now has new administrative management and comes with everything, gastronomic delights and quality service, is located in the heart of Charallave, Tosta Garcia Avenue, near the Plaza Bolivar and almost in front of the Red Cross.

In Venezuela, we call Guayoyo the coffee that is light, not so strong, and rather sweet, normally when I have coffee at friends' and family's houses I ask for it that way, however, here you see me with a delicious medium coffee with milk, with the rim of the cup decorated with chocolate and pieces of cookie... Oh God!

The bakery is spacious, very nice, and impeccable, it has beautiful tables, a nice Christmas decoration, and even a mini slide and swings for babies, those photos I owe you because I had almost no battery in the mobile.

I fully recommend the dry pasta, well so we call it around here, it is very tasty and fresh, I ordered a small amount days ago for a work meeting, now with the coffee the cookie was free, they also sell a very good carrot bread, I do not show them because well, I ate it!😄

Let's talk about prices:

⚪️ A medium coffee like the one I had cost 1.5$.
⚪️ A large coffee costs 2.5$.
⚪️ If you order 100 grams of dry pasta it costs 1$.

All obviously at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela, from my point of view I appreciate that the prices are quite affordable as I have come to pay up to almost $ 4 for a coffee.

As they are just starting they still don't have social networks, they opened this week, so they are going step by step trying to do everything right, as it should be, I can repeat what I said at the beginning, their attention is excellent, with a nice smile they attend you, quality and affordable prices are very favorable so it's a pleasure to go to buy bread and coffee!

If it does not meet these three categories, obviously no business can do well. Oh, I forgot to mention hygiene! If the place is not impeccable and the staff does not comply with sanitation measures, it obviously scares away any possible sale and probable closing of the business.

You know, when you come to Charallave to visit or as a tourist look for me and I will be your guide, I will recommend the best places to enjoy a good aromatic. ☕️


Own photos from my personal gallery.
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Así se llama el nuevo lugar, es una panadería que ahora cuenta con nueva gerencia administrativa y vienen con todo, delicias gastronómicas y una atención de calidad, está ubicado en pleno corazón de Charallave, Avenida Tosta García, cerquita de la Plaza Bolívar y casi al frente de la Cruz Roja.
En Venezuela le llamamos Guayoyo al café que es ligero, no tan fuerte, mas bien dulzón, normalmente cuando me provoca tomar café en casa de amistades y familiares lo pido así, sin embargo, aquí me ven con un delicioso café con leche mediano, con el borde de la taza decorada con chocolate y trocitos de galleta... ¡Ay Dios!

La panadería es amplia, muy linda e impecable, tiene hermosas mesas, un lindo decorado navideño y hasta un mini tobogan y columpio para babys, les debo esas fotos porque no tenía casi batería en mi teléfono.
Recomiendo plenamente la pasta seca, es muy sabrosa y fresca, yo pedí una pequeña cantidad días atrás para una reunión laboral, ahora con el café la galleta fue gratis, también venden un pan de zanahoria muy bueno, no se los muestro porque bueno, ¡Me lo comí!😄

Hablemos de precios:

🔴 Un café mediano como el que yo me tomé cuesta 1.5$
🔴 Un café grande cuesta 2.5$
🔴 Si pides 100 gramos de pasta seca cuesta 1 $

Todo obviamente al cambio de la tasa del Banco Central de Venezuela, desde mi punto de vista aprecio que los precios están bastantes accesibles ya que he llegado a pagar hasta casi 4 dólares por un café.

¡Como están empezando todavía no tienen redes sociales, abrieron esta semana, así que van paso a paso tratando de hacer todo bien, como debe ser, puedo repetir lo que dije al principio, su atención es excelente, con una linda sonrisa te atienden, así que es un placer ir a comprar el pan y el café!

Ya sabes, cuando vengas a Charallave de visita o de turista búscame y seré tu guía, te daré las mejores recomendaciones para disfrutar de una buena aromática y compartiremos un buen rato muy ameno.😊


Fotos propias de mi galería personal, tomadas con mi genial Redmi 7A.
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