A special gift for an old friend

Hello friends, it is a pleasure to greet you and tell you about a special gift I made to a colleague friend of mine, who received us in his radio program, where we talked and we presented the Hive ecosystem.

With this colleague I studied the last semesters of my career and then each one of us went our own way in different branches of social communication, however, whenever we saw each other we would invite each other for a coffee and with this we would reset many months of absence.

Then with the day to day and the different responsibilities, each one was moving away from the other for lack of time and our contact was limited to WhatsApp messages and it is very normal that in the mornings he is the one who sends messages saying good morning and with a picture of a cup of coffee.

He told me that since I joined Hive I had forgotten him and we didn't even have a cup of coffee anymore, so it occurred to me when we had to see each other, to give him a Hive mug, so that when he had his coffee in the mornings at the radio station he would remember me.

I took my mug from home and a thermos of coffee and after the program, we stayed talking a little, he was happy, he told me that it was the first mug like this that he was given and that most of the guests told him that they were going to give him something, but they had just stayed and he never saw them.

So with this gift my friend got excited and posted several pictures on his status with his new mug, which he keeps on the radio station and every time he has his guests and they ask him for the name of Hive he gives them a brief summary of the ecosystem and motivates other people to enter Hive.

It was a win win, now in his morning radio show he never lacks a coffee, because he already has his fabulous mug, as well as my unconditional affection.

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