Week 78: My Daily Routine With Coffee

There’s something powerfully intimate about our little daily rituals. Run us through your morning coffee routine. Do you have coffee with breakfast? After? Before you shower? After you’ve dressed for the day? Give us a glimpse into a typical morning. Please add at least 3 original coffee-related photos taken by you.

Hi Coffee Lovers... This week this is my spill the beans...

Talking about the daily rituals, I should to say that on the morning I just drink a mineral water after wake up. If I have to duty on the morning, after reach office, I will waiting for lunch then ordered a coffee milk named KSK--Kopi Susu Keluarga (Family Coffee Milk) from Fami Cafe. Yup, I get my coffee after lunch if I have no breakfast.

I rarely eat breakfast because if I eat heavy food like porridge for breakfast, I don't feel hungry when I eat lunch, then I eat lunch at 3 P.M, which is very late. So I rarely eat breakfast. If I don't eat breakfast, I don't dare to consume caffeine with sugar. I want to keep my stomach healthy (as you know that sugar and coffee when the stomach is empty--haven't eaten, it will make the stomach hurt), while I want to keep drinking coffee for a long time, so I will fill my morning with fasting. If I'm too hungry, I will eat at 11.30 A.M then have my coffee.

This is me after lunch then ordered the Kopi Susu Keluarga. I bought it at the outlet behind my office. Fami Cafe is my favorite because they provide a strong espresso flavor for USD 1 dollar. It can be said to be cheap compared to a world-famous brand, but overrated. So for daily coffee, this is perfect because it is affordable but still has a strong coffee flavor.

Is there anyone like me, drink a coffee after lunch and fear if your stomach still empty? It's been a while since I stopped drink coffee in the morning, but after breakfast, I would like to have one hot cup. Just because I rare breakfast, I prefer drink coffee after lunch. But, if I just want to drink black coffee, it was one condition that I have done in the morning before lunch.

Sometimes, when I feel lazy to go to office in the morning (because I still have afternoon shift, so I always want to skip my morning schedule to duty on the office), The Fami Cafe from Family Mart give me such a motivation that I should to go to office. This Coffee Franchise is close to my office, but there is no one near from my house. It will be pricey-- Like I have to paying two cups when I should to ordered by delivery. So that this coffee for my drink after lunch is great motivation.

Because I buy Fami coffee too often as a daily routine, look, I even accompanied the design of Fami Cafe in its transformation. I will show yo guys the new one next time.

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you on the next post...

All photos taken by my Samsung Galaxy A22

Vivie Hardika

Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.
Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.

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