A Coffee with my mother on a very special day


My Mother.

A million adjectives could fit her perfectly, equal, opposite, light, dark, complementary. Here and now, being objective and subjective at the same time, she is a noble woman, one of those who adds (and not subtracts).

Cultured, discreet, insecure, prejudiced but empathetic, believer of God above all things, of that woman who was created from the rib of man, leaving without effect the reconstruction of history through science; water, Darwin's theory, the descent of the monkey.

My mother's name is Sor, prayer on her knees saved her from depression, she likes Mexican soap operas, peanut based candies and coffee, she drinks 3 or more cups a day.

A ritual that is "Our daily Father"; prepare the coffee, breakfast, open the windows, receive the natural light, the fresh breeze and talk, tell those anecdotes, sobering family experiences that are transmitted from generation to generation, so I knew "The curse of the Romero", sounds scary and fortunately the curse is broken.

Own photo with Photofunia filter.

The women in my mother's family with the surname "Romero" (great-grandmother, grandmother, aunts), none of them reached the age of 60, even Andrea, my mother's older sister, died at the age of 52, and, precisely, shortly after her 59th birthday, my mother fell ill with Malaria and relapsed more than 7 times during that period, her breakdown happened at that very moment when the Covid 19 was ravaging Europe and the world. My mother told the story of the curse as never before, she even said goodbye to her loved ones.

April 5, 2021 was a breath of relief, healing, wellness and good omens, the warrior sang victory at the age of 60 and we celebrated with a fraternal ritual, special food and drink, the "Romero" were released from the curse.

Like this, many stories, reflections, vicissitudes that forge the character, all in the company of coffee, that perfect companion that many times acts disciplining the temperament.

In love, my mother's story is unique and particular, she fell in love with a rational mathematician, nihilist, transgressor, individualist, a sailor with love in every port (my father).

Sor (my mother), stopped being a maid before marriage, at that time it was a family dishonor, for this she was kicked out of my grandfather's house, a time of tears where she was already carrying my older sister in her womb (I am the last of her 4 children).

My father was dedicated to being unfaithful, and my mother wanted a love with a pink soap opera ending of the 80's; loyal, reciprocal. After 20 years of union, they went their separate ways and on good terms, I was a teenager when it was my turn to sign the witness document.

My mother eventually gave herself another chance in love with a man 15 years younger, at the beginning the relationship was full of obstacles, then the planets aligned and the couple lived a prolonged spring until Robert (my stepfather) died unexpectedly at the age of 42. In the midst of grief I recognized a quality in my mother that she had never shown me before, the strength and poise with which she understood that the show had to go on.

All that remains is the memory in the photographs, perhaps the desire to turn back the clock and utter words that she spared herself so as not to appear vulnerable.

Today, May 14, 2023, Mother's Day, I wish you a long life in wellness, may you never miss that coffee of therapy, catharsis, introspection. If deep in your heart you desire the complement of a partner in love, may that committed man knock on your door. Also, may she set the bar high for "Romero" women by reaching 100 years and more hand in hand with God. Amen.

A coffee and blessing to all the mothers of the community, Happy Mother's Day!

My mother this morning.

This is my participation for: Mother's Day (CONTEST).
I invite @paolazun to participate.

Translated with DeepL.com
Cover Imagen: Own photo with Photofunia filter.


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