Convincing Mercy About My Coffee Intake ~ STB COFFEE PROMPT WEEK 59.

My best friend Mercy has never been shy about her strong dislike for coffee, even the mere smell makes her nose wrinkle! Meanwhile, I absolutely cherish my daily morning brew (or brews, let's be honest). Naturally this discrepancy has sparked many debates between us.

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"Ugh, I just don't get why you drink that nasty bean water!" she'll proclaim, as I happily sip my creamy nesafecofee, it is one of my best. And thus begins another attempt to help Mercy understand my deep devotion for that steamy, fragrant cup of joy.

I explain that a well-crafted cup of coffee dazzles all my senses in ways no other beverage can. The aroma alone , notes of sweet toasted beans aroma and the creaminess of the coffee is heavenly. With that first eager taste, flavors come alive on my tongue - techniques blessing smooth roasted beans with just enough kick to awaken my spirit for whatever lies ahead that day.
Beyond superb flavor, I cherish what my daily coffee ritual represents a comforting break amidst chaos for self-care. My kitchen timer ticks down as I mindfully pour hollandia milk foam art into strong message coffee shots, observing the swirls drift and settle. These quiet moments centering my thoughts over a mug full of optimism energize me.
Coffee fuels my creativity too - whether passionately typing over latest blog ideas or leisurely journaling streams of consciousness in notebooks. With endless blend varieties keeping things interesting, coffee continuously stirs inspiration.
Of course I'm under no illusion it's the healthiest habit, so moderation keeps it an ally. But that soothing warmth cradled in my palms, the burst of upbeat melodies from morning playlists, a visible sense of positive momentum stirring awake - this is why coffee brings me joy.

In one of our many discussions , Mercy later confessed to me that she has never tasted coffee. When I picked my jaw up off the floor, the questions came flooding in. "But bae have even tasted it before you conclude you don't like it?" Her answers remained steadfast - she just didn't "get" coffee's appeal and felt content without those caffeinated cups I savored daily.

Mercy prefers starting her day with creamy Lipton tea, some good stretches and a time with pastor Jerry Eze's message on her phone ,which sounds just as beautifully ritualistic as my coffee routine, just aligned to her spirit versus mine.

While fully respecting her right to dislike something so popular, I still took Mercy's coffee avoidance as a personal challenge. Surely if she just sampled that first soothing, awakening sip, she would finally understand why billions imbibe this daily ritual. I would be that conduit - no, coffee crusader! - to guide Mercy into the light of all things java.

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At the end our lively cafe debates, we’ve agreed to disagree amiably over coffee versus tea. I cannot convince Mercy to acquire the taste without betrayal of personal choice. And she no longer feels pressure to prove she can live fully caffeine-free. We’ve found middle ground appreciating our signature morning beverages suit us uniquely.
She just wasn't ready to taste it after I tried to make her taste a sip of my cup, she later opened up and said, she had ulcer and didn't want to take something that could make it worst, I had to steer clear after that because I wouldn't want to be the cause of her health to decline.

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So while it may never win Mercy over as a fellow fan, at least my explanations give her a little window into appreciating why so many adore coffee beyond mere caffeine addiction. That first sip speaks to people powerfully in different ways and I'll happily keep sharing my cup's story.

This prompt is my entry to the Spilthebean coffee prompt 59

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