An original decoration. The Coffee Shop Prompt - Week 48

Hello to all the coffee lovers in this community and thank you very much for allowing me to share my stories in the community.

I find today's topic fascinating, like all the ones I have been able to participate in and even the ones I have not been able to participate in as well.

One of the things that makes our visit to a coffee shop more pleasant is its decoration. It is true that the cleanliness of the place, its service, the quality of the coffee and the friendliness of its workers are important, but so is the decoration. On several occasions I have visited coffee shops that do not invite me to return, and it is not because they offer me bad service or mistreat me, it is simply that their setting or decoration does not attract my attention and I am left without the desire to return to that place.

However, one of my favorite coffee shops and the one I always feel the need to return to is Cafeteria Cubita. There are several friends who tell me that there are better coffee shops in the city and they are not wrong, but, in my case I go back and I am where they treat me well, where the service they give me catches me, where the coffee I drink dances in my mouth and gladdens my heart and where I learn, while I enjoy the incomparable taste of that beverage called coffee.

The above is provided by this coffee shop where for me there are three things that make it special:

The quality of the service, the sobriety of the place and its decoration.
What is it about the decoration that makes it so special?

  • The doyles that they put on their tables explain some combinations of coffee drinks that you can prepare, for example: Cappuccino, Americano, Cortaito, Historiador, Cubita Helado; among others.

  • On the walls they show you some phrases about coffee and advice that you should follow.

  • In some areas of the cafeteria you can find some utensils that are used to make coffee and in which you can drink it.

In addition to the above, the decoration lets you know, from the moment you enter, that you are in a place dedicated to coffee and, when you leave the coffee shop you leave with a good service and knowing much more about this beverage, even, in my case, I have been able to prepare combinations and coffee drinks, through what I have been able to see in these decorations.

Note: The photos were taken with my Samsung J2 cell phone.
I have used the translator Deepl Translate.

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