A family cafeteria/Week-52

A necessary introduction

Hello to all coffee lovers and to those who make life in our community. It is a pleasure to be able to participate once again in an initiative. As always, the topics you propose to us are suggestive and invite us to think and expose the best of us. This is one of those cases.

My favorite coffee shops

Like all things in life, one has one's preferences and there are several reasons that push one towards one choice or another. In this case I have four favorite coffee shops and the elements that make me come back again and again are the same: Good treatment, quality service, excellent coffee, exquisite cleanliness and a cozy atmosphere. However, I go to each of these coffee shops depending on the reason or the occasion. I have talked about each of them here and, although I have visited several cafés, four stand out above the rest.

Invitation to a coffee shop

That is why, if I had to invite a family member or a friend, I would invite them to Café Cubita.

What are the reasons for this choice?

It is true that the Casa del Café, the Cafetería la Cubana or the Cafería Los Helechos are among my favorite places to enjoy a good cup of coffee, but each one of these places has special characteristics that make me invite my favorite people and I choose them, depending on the occasion or the reason. Based on the above, these are the reasons why I would invite a family member or friend to this coffee shop.

  • It is an intimate coffee shop, with dim lighting that allows you to be in a familiar atmosphere.
  • The freshness of the place
  • The cozy, familiar and peaceful atmosphere that the place offers.
  • The proximity to my home
  • The possibilities that the place has to enjoy other offers.
  • The design of the coffee shop allows you to learn about coffee and its varieties and how to prepare them.

A final comment

This initiative is made for real life, because we have all been invited to these places by family or friends.
If the invitation was for business meetings I would think of another coffee shop because each place has its specificities.
So much for my presentation.

Note: I have used the translator DeepL Translate.
The photos used are my own taken with my Samsung J2.

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