Gratitude - Coffee With A View


Breakfast on the balcony

For some this may be a normal thing, having a cup of coffee or breakfast in the garden or on the balcony. For us though, it was far from the normal thing. We moved from Budapest to Spain having no outside space whatsoever. The best thing we could do is open our window, right next to a public stairs, usually filled with youth who were smoking in front of our windows and being loud most days. Being non-smokers this was even worse as it meant that I could not even get fresh air in just a little bit when I wanted to, it all depended on if these youngsters were chilling on their favourite chill spot or not. I absolutely started to hate living there over time and my goal was to get us out before winter. Yet, the search turned out to be very hard and even felt like mission impossible for a while. So I let it go.

A blessing in disguise

When the universe throws you lemons, you should make lemonade. And so I did, I turned the whole no-water situation around by pushing myself to find another home before the water supply would be installed. It drove me mad to go through thousands of listings (often the same repeated ones, sigh) and barely hear back. The one shot we had was just not a smart move, just two bedrooms and very remote, like a ghost town. For a week or so, I wondered if we did the right thing rejecting it as at least that space had a big balcony. But an empty pool and just 8 families living there out of the 80 homes. It just didn't feel good.

The one!

And then the one appeared, not in the area we were looking for, no, this one was just a few minutes from our old home but a HUGE upgrade. I already saw myself sitting on that balcony from the moment I saw the listing. And that's what happened. The very first morning, we had to drink our coffee on the balcony.


Coffee with a view, what's not to love? Every day when I open the blinds, I take in the view, even if it's a stormy day, the view is still amazing honestly. When I return from bringing the little one to school, I have a coffee on the balcony and later a sandwich for lunch. It's honestly such a small and normal thing that we often take for granted. Having to miss that simplicity for so long means I'm extremely grateful for having this myself now.

Everyone is happy here

Of course, I also had to share the cuties who obviously had a bit of a struggle the first day of the move because suddenly, the home was filled with boxes and they saw everything disappear. We took them with us the first night and kept on going back and forward the rest of the days so they could get used to the home. Maesi is curious and constantly wants to check the balcony, which she can when we're there, while Luna is a bit more cautious (thankfully). We are teaching them they can look but not climb. It's a bit scary but I remember growing up on a high floor that many neighbours had cats and they all learned not to climb.


Today is day three where the kittens have finally let me sleep without using the bedroom as a playground until 2 or 3 AM first. Happiness all over, lol.


I'm so grateful that even the little coffee moments and taking a 5 minute break are now a few minutes where you can truly calm down the mind and even meditate for a bit because this is what such a view does. It relaxes the mind and I'm so grateful for the right home being there at the exact right time. Once again, things worked out exactly as they should, and just in time as the evening of terminating the contract, we received water again. Thanks universe!

Here's to many more coffees with a view!

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