My Confessions with my First Cup of Coffee in the Morning☕🌅

Every day I wake up very early, especially now that my children have started school and I have to prepare breakfast, so at 5 am I am already opening my eyes to the world and thanking for being alive and being able to enjoy a new dawn.

I confess that coffee is my fuel. To be able to perform any activity I need a cup of coffee, then when I consume it I can start with my obligations because I already feel repowered, my body is like a vehicle and coffee is its gasoline.

Every day with coffee in hand I sit in my comfortable extension chair, it is a few minutes that I have for myself, to calmly enjoy my coffee, to order my thoughts and many times to remember beautiful moments and realize that not everything is bad, that there are hard moments, but there are also perfect and happy ones because life is a balance.

I breathe in the aroma of coffee and it immediately takes me back to the memories of my mother in my childhood, who every morning would prepare me a delicious coffee with milk before going to school, which I would enjoy with toasted bread spread with butter and I was so happy that I didn't need to eat anything else until I returned. Now I do it with my children, but first I drink it myself, to think, reflect and organize my ideas.

Coffee is a witness of everything I feel. When I am melancholic I go to the kitchen to prepare my coffee, or in some moments I go out to a place that fills me with peace and makes me feel at ease and I order a coffee. When I am happy I also have this ritual and evidently my worries dissipate and my panorama begins to clear and a huge smile is drawn on my face, it runs through my whole body and gladdens my heart.

I have been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember, every day when I wake up and sometimes in the afternoons, it all depends on my desire, but I have never lacked coffee before leaving my house.

Someday that coffee that is part of my day may be the last of my life, when my body shuts down and my mind quiets down, but when that happens I will leave with the full conviction that coffee was part of my life, in the most painful moments and in the sweetest moments, as an inevitable, unfailing company, in an infinite presence through a cup every morning.
Every time I look at the sky and remember my mother, I will always remember that she showed me and taught me the love for coffee. Drinking it to relax and to connect with my inner self and I ask myself, who hasn't had a cup of coffee and completely analyzed their life in those moments, or when you drink it right there you can with a calm mind think of the best solution to a problem you are going through? Well, when I drink coffee I can give a lot of sense and answers to so many questions that are inside me.

Dedicated to my faithful companion , my grounding cable , my spiritual connection , the witness of my projects , my falls and my rebirth , dedicated to my Cup of coffee with love and gratitude. .


Me despido.

I bid you farewell.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.

All the content found in this publication is my authorship, if you have any questions, mention me and I will answer you @surglen.

Las Fotografías son de mi propiedad, excepto las citadas con su fuente.@surglen

Photographs are my property, except those cited with their source. @surglen.

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