Home Beverages to Business Model - Chai Story.

Chayos, Chai Point, MBA ChaiWala and many others. These are some of the name of growing business ideas that have taken the new generation with storm. There is nothing special in these names neither these are selling anything unique. Infact these all are the name of most common beverages "Chai" or in more familiar words "Tea".


CHAI is one of the most favored beverages in India. Every home in India woke up every morning with a cup of chai in their hand. Every home have theirnown speciality of makingbchai. Some like masla chai, some like ginger chai and some like add the flovour of basil.
Chai is so common in India as it becomes the second most consumable beverages after water. The trend is such tha,all guests are welcomed at home with a cup of Chai, all meeting at offices were scheduled over a cup of chai. Chai is one of the most selling item in Indian railway and so does any public bus stand. The craze of chai is unlimited in India. Every people loves to have a sip in middle of their daily activity. Or completes many important things over a cup of chai.

As you ever walks out on the street of India, you will find a small chai stall at every corner of the road. Easy to make, and not much ingredients required to make. Many people have find it as a source of their livlihood. chai on street are sold on paper cup, or mud cup. I have a maternal relative who used to sell chai outside a factory gate, and now he owned one of the state of art bungalow in his area. He made their kids to study in well reputed institution and is a well known person in the area. Millionaire just by selling Chai.


This is such favourite beverages that new generation kids have found a unique earning source from it. They have seen the people craze and now cashing on the oppurtunity by setting up branded putlet across differrnt city. In last couple ofntears we have seen many new outlets were coming up and new brands adding up on the list. As #Starbucks is a brand, all these chai seller have given name to their stalls. What used to be a street name now becomes a brand all.over the place. They understand the people nerve and nailed their chances to make money out of the beverages.


Whatever be the case be old generation people loves to enjoy the hot beverages in their own style. Just round the streets and sipping in their own style. Who wants to sit inside the cllaed walls for a cup of chai. The real taste is when you have the beverages outside in open atmosphere.

This is how the craze of chai has evolved over the years. It has made a long journey from home kitchen to branded outlet in busy shopping areas. Quite a remarkable story of this common hot beverages. Just enjoy!


Namaste @steemflow

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