Cover image made by @sidalim88, using photos owned by me and taken with the camera of the Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.

Hello dear community of cup of coffee, and especially to all our dear readers who make life on this platform. Today I want to share with you my creative writing regarding the point indicated in this week, which is quite innovative. First of all I want to take the opportunity to invite my friends @leidimarc, @soyanafuentes, @karelysk89 and @kat-nee, who are fantastic and very funny girls to participate in this initiative, I am completely sure that they will make fascinating stories.

Today I celebrate my 13th birthday and I don't know why my parents bother to surprise me, I'm tired of telling them that I don't like to celebrate my birthday since that day when I literally died in my accident, I can't walk again, so I feel completely useless in this wheelchair that accompanies me day after day.

I know that everything they do is with the purpose of making me happy, but the only thing they don't really understand is that my happiness will only return when I can walk through the beautiful fields of the coffee plantation and feel the soft breeze of the wind not only on my cheeks, but all over my body specifically from the waist down, where I died 3 years ago.

I love coffee, it is my favorite drink, my faithful companion and best ear to listen to every time I feel depressed I look for it and through every sip I take it allows me to drain my repressed feelings, these that have me wrapped in bitterness and disappointed in life itself.

I know that my parents, as they do every year, are going to organize a surprise party for me, or at least they always think they are surprising me when in reality I always expect those same routine activities of every year where they invite all my schoolmates and together with my relatives they sing my birthday to me and we enjoy a delicious coffee-flavored cake.

Everything goes normal, until they decide to take me out of my house and take me to a place totally different from the ones I know, it is an ice cream shop where they sell ice cream of many flavors. This is definitely different from the activities done in other years, my parents tell me that there I will have the opportunity to try ice cream flavors never seen before.

But I simply went for my favorite flavor, the coffee flavor ice cream, I was there in front of a gigantic ice cream machine at my complete disposal, but as always I preferred to go for my special flavor, the owner of the place very kindly told me what I should do to get my ice cream and there I was ready for my favorite selection.

This machine had many buttons, but in turn I only had to work with 3 specifically to taste my delicious, creamy and succulent ice cream, I approached a little in my wheelchair and with great determination I pressed the first button to try a classic coffee ice cream, which in contact with my taste system brought to my mind memories of my childhood where I was very happy and I could walk, run and jump everywhere, I looked so happy at that time very different from the current situation after the accident.

At that moment I heard the creaking of a door and immediately those thoughts flew away as well as my hopes to continue with a normal life, my emotions became present and in that instant without realizing it my cheeks became wet by the action of my own tears.

I quickly dried my face to prevent my parents from noticing my uncontrolled crying and decided to venture to try the second flavor of ice cream, so I pressed the second button that said traditional coffee flavor ice cream, I quickly introduced it to my mouth and at that precise moment I could witness a fatal car accident of a whole family traveling and where everyone lost their lives from the children to their parents, This shocked me so much that inside I started to scream in terror, what a horrible experience I had just observed, in fact it reminded me a lot of my accident with the only difference that no one had died, except my legs, immediately I reacted with my skin bristling and my heart was beating a thousand beats per hour.

So I needed to calm down and what better way to do it than with my faithful companion of tears, only this time in a different version and with a unique flavor, so without hesitation I selected the button of the special ice cream, obtaining this delicacy of Affogato ice cream, Its fragrance alone produced in me that my mind flew into the future and I visualized myself as a high performance athlete in wheelchair races and being of great inspiration for other people to learn to live with similar situations to mine, there I was very happy with what I was doing, so I finally understood that life is only one and we should not cry over wet, but live with absolute intensity.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.

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