#STB57 || The Delicious Coffee Candy ~An Halloween Story

"Grrrrriiinnnngg", I heard the bell go, signalling the end of school for the day. I packed my bags and left the class while I wait for my friend so we could prepare to go home.

As I waited for her, I thought of how the day would end. Today is Halloween and I have always loved this time of the year as it's a time where I get to dress anyway I want without getting a reproach from my parents. My costume was ready and I am already excited.

One of the interesting and my favorite part of Halloween is when we got trick or treating. I always get a whole lot of candy and I will eat it till my stomach aches.

"Hi rukkie", I heard my name as Sabrina, my friend brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hi Sabrina", I called back while smiling at her. Sabrina has been a very good friend of mine and we also go trick or treating together and sometimes wear the same costume.

"How is preparations for Halloween going at your house", she asked, knowing my parents to always go to the extreme with their decorations.

"Well you know how it is, prepations is already in top gear", I replied.

As we walked the distance from school to our house, we could already see the preparations already going on and people are already decorating their homes to commemorate the celebration of Halloween.


We got to our respective homes and right from our front door, I could see my parents are already in the Halloween spirit. I went in and also helped with the preparations.

When it's time to go out, I wore my Halloween costume and carried my basket ready to start off. I told my parents I was going trick or treating with Sabrina and they gave me the go-ahead. I went outside and met with Sabrina who is also ready in her own costume and with her basket.


We moved around the neighborhood, receiving as many candies we could ever think of. We saw other kids too going trick or treating in their costumes.

As we were going around, I moved to the direction of the house of The Bensons, a family who moved into the neighborhood about a month ago.

"You can't go to their house rukkie", Sabrina pulled my hands.

" Why not? I thought we were supposed to go trick or treating round the neighborhood" I countered while heading back to the direction of their house.

" My mum says we were not supposed to go close to them because they are weird", Sabrina retorted already moving back.

"We are supposed to visit all our neighbors, isn't it? So I am going there", I replied, as I made my way their front door.

I pressed the doorbell and waited for some seconds but I heard no answer. I pressed the doorbell a second time, still no response.

" Let's go rukkie, it seems they don't want to answer you",Sabrina called on me from afar. I was about to leave when I hear the door unlocking and I came face-to-face with a woman who I am sure is Mrs Benson.

"Trick or Treat", I said holding my basket of candy and giving her a big smile, she looked at me from head to toe and closed the door. I was surprised and at the same time thinking maybe Sabrina and her mum was right about The Bensons being weird. I was about to leave when I heard the door open a second time and she dropped some candies into my basket. I thanked her and she nodded but I saw a sad look on her face before she closed the door finally.

I went back to Sabrina and we continued and visited few more houses before heading home.

When I got back home, I showed my mum all the candies I was able to get and also the one from Mrs Benson. My mum was surprised that Mrs Benson responded to me and also gave me candies.


As I opened the candy wrappers, the smell of coffee wafted through the air.

" I would have to stop by at her house tomorrow and thank her", my mum said. I guess she sees this as an opportunity to try to reach out to her again.

I ate the candies Mrs Benson gave me and the taste was so divine, they were so delicious that I immediately unwrapped the remaining three leaving one more that I planned to give Sabrina the following day. On second thoughts, I unwrapped the last coffee candy bar, savoring its taste as I ate it slowly.

" That good huh", my mum asked seeing as she saw how I was going at that particular candy. I nodded while wishing I had more of it.

As I looked at the candy wrappers, I couldn't help recalling the look I saw on her face. I don't know why she looked sad nor the reason why there isn't a single sign to show that they celebrate Halloween.

"Maybe something bad happened to them",I said to myself silently. Whatever it was I hope they try to move on and also accommodate other people because I for one would love a chance eat more of those "delicious coffee candy".

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